Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BloggeRhythms 9/12/2012

Scanning the news this morning, there’s much speculation that the tragic attacks on our consulates in Libya and Egypt stem from international beliefs that U.S. retaliation is no longer feared as it was because the administration prefers to avoid confrontation.
At the same time,  according to CBSDC/AP, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday regarding Iran, “The world tells Israel, `Wait. There’s still time. And I say: `Wait for what? Wait until when?’ Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.”
The article continues that, the administration has consistently stated that they don’t want to go the military route against Iran and give more time for the sanctions to force Tehran to give up its nuclear ambitions. However, Netanyahu worries Iran will continue developing nuclear technology without giving the Islamic nation a firm timeline to stop and he asks “If Iran knows that there is no deadline, what will it do? Exactly what it’s doing. It’s continuing, without any interference, towards obtaining nuclear weapons capability and from there, nuclear bombs.” 
Additionally, Israeli news outlet Haaertz reports that the White House denied Netanyahu’s request to visit President Obama at the end of this month.
Then aside from these international issues, Donald Lambro of The Washington Times writes that, “August’s abysmally weak job growth proved yet again that President Obama’s economic policies are a miserable failure that will continue to undermine our country until he leaves office. The government’s report that the economy added just a minuscule 96,000 jobs last month came at the end of the Democrats’ defensive national convention, where the president, Bill Clinton and other party luminaries made extravagant claims that things will get better if Mr. Obama is re-elected to a second term.”
Lambro then points out that, analysts at the Federal Reserve Board, economists and business leaders say the declining economy is not going to get significantly better this year, next year or the year after that, until there are dramatic changes in the nation’s fiscal policies. “Changes Obama Democrats refuse to make.”
Deepening employment weaknesses were also underscored by revisions in the June and July job numbers, which found 41,000 fewer jobs were created than was reported previously, while the economy’s growth rate is slowing this year to the snail’s pace of 1.7% in the third quarter.
So, in conclusion I guess it really doesn’t matter where in the world you look, if our current administration's involved the chances are nothing works as it should. Lack of skill, absence of knowledge, gross ineptitude and an arrogant refusal to bend in the face of total disaster are the cornerstones of the worst performance since Jimmy Carter, who still hasn’t learned anything either. 
And the most ridiculous, absolutely incredible thing is, these totally incompetent, misguided, screw-ups are out there begging for another four years because while absolutely creating a shambles they point fingers and claim it’s not their fault. However, anyone believing that one is very likely too dumb to vote.
That’s it for today folks.

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