I’ve now read many varying opinions as to why there are currently riots and attacks on U.S. sites in the Middle-East at such places as Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, and Bahrain. Some news writers blame it on the uprisings called the Arab Spring, others say it’s in protest to an anti-Prophet Muhammad film, “Innocence of Muslims,” while still others opine it’s tied to insurgents celebrating the memory of September 11th, 2001.
As for myself, I think it’s likely due to the recognition that our policy has drastically changed and these rebels no longer fear retaliation from us. Whereas we used to be feared, it’s now known that we back away, no longer have spine and frankly, don’t seem to give a real damn about what goes on over there whatsoever.
Furthermore, and most important, the leader of the free world doesn’t really have time for this stuff right now. He’s mired in a campaign for keeping his job, which he knows he hasn’t done very well right here at home, so how on earth is he supposed to put out fires occurring half a globe away? After all, he can't fix the ones right under his nose, so he’s best off flying to Vegas to raise funds he can use in ads calling Mitt Romney a dithering dunce.
Unfortunately for the incumbent, however, is the fact that while Romney not only isn’t dense, the incumbent actually is. So, all the funds being raised aren’t going to help him stay in office because his proven record is what's doing him in and ads and endless, repetitive speeches simply wont overcome that fact.
Nonetheless, the leftist press is still out there trying their slanted best for the incumbent's reelection. And in that vein, Tim Graham, of NewsBusters on line reports that “The Right Scoop has posted video with an open microphone that shows the Romney press corps “coordinating questions to ask Romney," with CBS reporter Jan Crawford saying, “no matter who he calls on, we’re covered on the one question.”
Because, Graham says, "They wanted to make Romney take credit or walk back his statement condemning Obama weakness after the embassy attacks: “Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?”
What's more, according to Graham, "NPR’s Ari Shapiro –the one who won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance – is one of the reporters planning their agenda on the clip.”
So, as Tom Hank’s said while playing as Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does.” And as far as the biased clowns in the press go, perhaps that’s why their ratings are almost at zero. Because anyone possessing half a brain and desiring actual facts, is highly unlikely to tune in to the mainstream media’s worthless pap in today's communication day and age.
That’s it for today folks.
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