While watching the current administration implode from incompetent foreign policy all over the world, as oil prices creep up again, inflation reappears, education loses its value via unionized teachers, heath care taxes increase costs of living and stifle business growth, un/under employment remains above 14% and U.S. exceeds 16 trillion dollars, Bill Kristol, editor of the 'Weekly Standard' and a former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, wrote: “Has there been a presidential race in modern times featuring two candidates who have done so little over their lifetimes for our country, and who have so little substance to say about the future of our country?”
I mention this because I can’t honestly believe the arrogance, narrow-mindedness, innate stupidity and blinding moronics of this empty suit who sits on the sidelines and critiques and pontificates about the performance of others, whoever they might be, while he himself has never stepped up, never taken responsibility and is totally clueless as to what the job of president’s is all about.
I also wonder where in the world this worthless turkey attained the right to state with such self-ordained haughtiness his lofty opinions whereas I’m unaware of his serving successfully in any elected capacity himself. All I've ever seen him do is sit on his tail spouting gibberish that’s just about totally unfounded and unsupported by even a pinch hit at the plate. Yet, this “expert” readily broadcasts to anyone bothering to pay attention about how a job he’s never come close to holding should be done.
Even in the case of the incumbent, who’s really botched up his turn in the White House, he at least earned the job by being duly elected. And as far as Mitt Romney’s concerned, he’s been a successful governor, revitalized the Olympics, and performed extremely well at Bain Capital, but this Kristol clown’s done zip, zero, nada in the real world, preferring to sit on his tail and bark instead of going out and hunting himself.
And the reason, I’m so upset that I’ve purposefully sat here to type about this miserable, whining, sniveling, runny-nose complainer is that I’ve run into folks like him all my professional life and, frankly, can’t stand them. Because, if you think someone’s doing a lousy job and have earned the right to critique because you’ve done it better yourself, that’s fine with me. But if all you can bring to the table is an inexperienced critique or complaint from the stands, shut the hell up and get out of my sight until you can show me some valid credentials that you've gained yourself.
That's it for today folks.
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