Some pretty bright folks are starting to wake up and figure out what’s coming down the road for the faltering health care tax.
Steve Hayes a Fox News contributor, yesterday “dismissed the administration's attempt to spin President Obama's previous assertions that if individuals were happy with their current plans, they could keep them - a statement that turned out to be false since not all plans met the health act's requirements - by saying that only five percent of the country would lose their policies.”
But then, however, Mr. Hayes went on to address the extremely important point I made yesterday when referencing airhead Juan Williams regarding the “small amount of people” losing their coverage.
Mr. Hayes apparently did the math too, concluding: “'If you're talking about 15 million as the 'just five percent' - the original goal was to cover an additional 30 (million people). So you're talking about half of the population of the uninsured that was the reason for the entire plan in the first place," Hayes said. "So it's a little disingenuous for them to minimize that many people."
And now, using Mr. Hayes results which narrow the uninsured population even further than I did, we actually have just 15 million without coverage ruining the perfectly adequate health care coverage of 218 million others. And if that doesn’t clearly illustrate the incredibly damaging illogic of socialism, I can’t imagine what does.
Right after reading the preceding, I found the following on Drudge by Pat Buchanan, titled, “The First Hustler Runs the Big Con”
A section of the column follows, which describes the horrendous situation just about perfectly:
“And though the Obamacare website will one day be repaired, and people may begin to sign up, the land mines in Obamacare are by no means all exploded. We will be walking right through them.
As Obamacare requires the cancellation of insurance plans and forces Americans to buy more expensive insurance than they want, this will inevitably raise the cost of health care for the nation.
And when the employer mandates cut in, many businesses will halt hiring at 49 employees to keep out of Obamacare, as others cut part-time workers to 29 hours a week to escape the mandates.
This cannot but adversely impact an economy whose growth in job creation under Obama has been anemic at best for five years.
Obama and cohorts are celebrating an historic achievement in passing Obamacare. But as one looks at Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Puerto Rico, Detroit and Illinois, the truth seems obvious.
The welfare state that began with Bismarck is reaching the end of the line, just as the private sector that generates the wealth to sustain that state is now, almost everywhere, buckling under its weight. The deficits stretch to the horizon. The debts rise inexorably.”
Frankly, I was never a big Pat Buchanan fan, he’s a little extreme for me. But in this case he’s capsulized the case I’ve been trying to make since the incumbent was elected the first time. And while I have no doubt that a collapse of some kind has to happen, if the Republicans don’t learn to stop muddying their fiscal policies with social incursions from those on the extreme right, there’s no else left on earth left to fix it.
However, as I say continually, there may be real hope because its always the little things that count, which is why we all have to continually pay attention to them.
Dominic Patten of Deadline via Drudge, headlined an article: “CNN Falls To Lowest Primetime In Over A Year; Fox’s Megyn Kelly Returns To Cable News Ratings Top Spot.”
The text says: “Between 8 PM and 11 PM last night, CNN had a mere 67,000 viewers among the key news demo. That’s the worst its done in the demo since August 10 last year. Megyn Kelly’s 9 PM Fox News Channel show pulled in 445,000 in the adult 25-54 demo Wednesday.”
So, here we have a station “Fox,” branded as villainous by the White House, drawing almost 7 times the audience of the favored news outlet of the left, CNN. And although I clearly understand that one night’s statistics don’t prove anything much, the numbers are certainly something to watch.
Along the same lines, another quiet indicator of declining image is getting publicly mocked which means significant loss of respect. Especially when that disrespect is demonstrated on major network shows tending to lean left.
Which is why there may be another indicator here in the fact that, according to Mitch Miller of WTOP, also via Drudge, a "Saturday Night Live" parody of Obamacare and the website got a lot of laughs when "SNL"'s Kate McKinnon portrayed Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. "Millions of Americans are visiting, which is great news," McKinnon said during the opening of last week's show “Unfortunately the site was only designed to handle six users at a time."
In conclusion today then, it seems that the health care tax situation is like water dripping on a rock. Bit by bit, piece by piece, situation by situation this ill-conceived, unworkable morass, headed by incompetents reporting to an administration even dumber than they are is incrementally unraveling and falling apart.
So, I guess the opportunity lies with professional folks in the private sector who’ll make billions for themselves, putting healthcare back together when the flea-brained socialists finally give up and put it back in the free-market where it's always belonged in the first place..
That’s it for today folks.
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