The daily toll mounts. More and more items appear throughout every aspect of communication showing displeasure with the new health care tax. But, what’s even worse for the incumbent is distrust and disgust amongst the intended target groups, including damaging commentary from their idols.
Lauren Ashburn, in Top Twitter Talk on reports that “KISS lead guitarist Tommy Thayer is breathing fire – this time it’s on Twitter. Seems Thayer, who joined the band in ’03, got some bad news in the mail about his health care plan that could make it a bit harder for him to rock-n-roll all night…and party every day.
"If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it, period." Not true. I just got notice mine's cancelled 12/31. #ObamaCareFail
Fans wrote to him about their experiences, including one who said: “When @tommy_thayer needs to scramble and figure out his family's health care, what hope is there for the rest of us!? Ughh!”
Another article, however, shows the incredible disconnect between the administration and the real world.
On “Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace,” Ezekiel Emanuel, “the leading architect of ObamaCare, insisted that Obama isn’t to blame for millions of cancelled policies, premium spikes and other disruptions.” He then claimed that “The insurance decides how to make money. When the private companies decide to drop an individual, you blame Obama. He isn’t responsible for that,” said Emanuel.
And that’s the aspect of the new tax that they either don’t understand, which would be beyond belief, or continually lie about.
Because the insurance providers didn’t simply decide one day to change their coverage requirements. The incumbent himself did that, by adding a new list of items that now must be included in policies. And what’s even worse, for significant segments of the population, they not only don’t really need the now required services, but in many rural parts of the nation the health care system doesn’t even offer what’s called for.
Compounding the issue further, another White House flunky, Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer, “claimed Sunday,“ [I]f the president were to allow people to have those plans be downgraded, or insurance companies to keep selling barebones plans …if he had done that he'd be violating even more important promise to the American people, that everyone would have a guarantee to access of quality affordable health insurance,” Pfeiffer told ABC’s “This Week.” Pfeiffer did not say when Obama deemed the “if you like it” pledge inoperable due to the “barebones” promise. "
But what this hack Pfeiffer missed is the point that nobody ever asked the incumbent to get involved in health care in the first place. This hare-brained scheme was his idea from the start. Even Slick Willie figured that out way back when he told Hillary to quit trying to foul the health care system up, whereas she and Ira Magaziner were clueless as to what what they were trying to do even then.
So, in the incumbent’s case, this is something he decided to do on his own, nobody asked him to. And when he killed the system in the process, others were blamed for his failure. Which all adds up to an incredible Catch-22, where while he’s pointing fingers everywhere he can think of, his problem is, he’s trying to catch his own tail.
Then on another aspect of misguided governance, there may be a hint of where this ridiculous new acceleration of focus on the environment might wind up, as indicated by this item on Fox:
“Not easy being green - Nearly 15,000 French protestors were met with tear gas as they voiced their opposition to punitive environmental taxes proposed for the trucking industry. The government suspended the application of the ecotax earlier in the week, AFP reports.”
So, that's another case of government interference in issues wherein there was no real problem in the first place. Which leads to some commentary made yesterday by comedian Jackie Mason, who hit the nail on the head this way, via
“He has a whole country walking around dizzy wondering who we’re listening to. If this is a president of a country, how come he’s the only one in America who doesn’t seem to know what’s going on here?
“The latest is that it’s only 5 percent of the people, only 15 [or] 20 million people who are going to lose their plan. … What if you shoot a guy? He’s only one person out of 300 million. How come it’s in the paper that you shot an innocent person and you go to jail for it?
Since when do you destroy people and it doesn’t count because it’s too small a percentage?”
And since I can’t put it any better than that,
That’s it for today folks.
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