While it couldn’t be clearer that government's incapable of operating the health care system and doomed to colossal failure, an item on FoxNews.com this morning confirms the point beyond all argument.
Fox reports that: “The Internal Revenue Service issued $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds last year to people using stolen identities, with some of the money going to addresses in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Ireland. according to a Treasury report released Thursday.
The IRS sent a total of 655 tax refunds to a single address in Lithuania, and 343 refunds went to a lone address in Shanghai.
In the U.S., more fraudulent returns went to Miami than any other city. Other top destinations were Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and Houston.
The IRS has stepped up efforts to fight identity theft, but thieves are getting more aggressive, said the report by J. Russell George, Treasury's inspector general for tax administration. Last year, the IRS stopped more than $12 billion in fraudulent refunds from going to identity thieves, compared with $8 billion the year before.”
So, here’s a department that has only one responsibility, has been performing that same task since inception in 1862, 151 years ago, and still does an unacceptable job fraught with mistakes. Consequently, why would any rationale human being place them in charge of a new entity as critically important as citizen’s health care?
Because, although 4 billion dollars is a huge sum, it’s still only money, but incompetence, incapability and gross ineptitude in health care administration costs people's well-being and lives.
At the same time, the House may be preparing to set the program back even further, simultaneously creating a major problem for Harry Reid.
Fox notes that “Sens. Joe Manchin., D-W.Va., and Mark Kirk, R-Ill., are teaming up on legislation that delays the penalty for uninsured Americans who don’t enroll in ObamaCare. Manchin said, “So far, the federal healthcare exchanges have failed, and we must deliver a better product.” The House is set to vote on a bill allowing Americans who like their health care plans to keep them by authorizing insurance companies to continue to offer plans already canceled by ObamaCare regulations.”
And as far as Harry Reid goes, this would put him in a tough corner. Because if that bill got to the Senate, would he still demean and curse proposed legislation regarding citizen's health concerns? Logic of course says no, but that takes brains. So in Reid's case, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
And as far as Harry Reid goes, this would put him in a tough corner. Because if that bill got to the Senate, would he still demean and curse proposed legislation regarding citizen's health concerns? Logic of course says no, but that takes brains. So in Reid's case, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
If restructuring takes place, however, revenues are likely to decrease. Lower cost plans will shrink gross revenue, making it almost certain that economic models won’t work. That, in turn, will cause havoc for insurers depended upon to make the tax plan feasible. Which is another reason that government should stay away from things they clearly don’t understand.
Then there’s this story from washingtontimes.com, that illustrates perfectly, what kind of deceptive fabricators politicians really are.
Reportedly, “Nearly half of Congress promised to share federal workers’ pain during the partial government shutdown by forsaking pay — but now that the shutdown is over and employees got paid, many lawmakers say they deserve their own checks.
David Williams president of the Taxpayer's Protection Alliance, said members of Congress are using technicalities to try to “wiggle out” of promises to the American people.
Some of the lawmakers said their vow to forgo pay was good only for as long as the shutdown lasted. When the shutdown ended after 16 days, they said, they had done their jobs and were entitled to their money.
Some of the lawmakers said their vow to forgo pay was good only for as long as the shutdown lasted. When the shutdown ended after 16 days, they said, they had done their jobs and were entitled to their money.
People across the country, when they heard their member of Congress said they would be returning their pay during shutdown, that’s what they heard and what they expected,” Mr. Williams said. “For Congress to even try to backtrack on that just reduces the amount of trust people have in Congress, if that’s even possible.”
Members of Congress, who make $174,000 a year, were paid Sept. 30 and Oct. 30, so even those who said they were rejecting their salaries never missed a check because the shutdown lasted from Oct. 1 through Oct. 16.”
Maybe that’s why a CBS News poll shows just a nine percent job approval rating for Members of Congress, with 85 percent disapproving, while 70.9 percent also believe the nation’s on the wrong track. For some reason though, 21.8 percent think the job being done is fine. I wonder who they are?
That's it for today folks.
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