Part of an article from October 25 remained in mind, and until this morning, I didn’t realize why.
John Fund in The Corner column of National Review on-line quoted Valerie Jarrett, the incumbent’s Senior Adviser, as follows:
“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy. . . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”
And now I think I understand exactly what Ms. Jarrett was striving to do.
By rightly or wrongly -because I have no way to conduct an IQ test- setting the incumbent up as an unqualified intellectual superior to virtually everyone else on earth, any failures in which he’s involved can be attributed to all others inability to grasp the depth and quality of any and all things he suggests. Nor are any others capable of implementing his vastly superior ideas, plans and strategies.
That also explains why virtually everything that happens within his administration is news to him. Because, obviously, no one can communicate at his superior level or in a manner sophisticated enough for him to grasp. Consequently, since he’s unable to adequately learn about what goes on around him, he rightly feels he might as well give up on communication attempts and instead; travel, campaign or go play golf.
Yesterday, however, George Will had a different take on the incumbent’s approach, as follows: ”After Obama’s semi-demi-apology for millions of canceled insurance policies — an intended and predictable consequence of his crusade to liberate Americans from their childish choices of “substandard” policies sold by “bad apple” insurers — Scalise said Obama is like someone who burns down your house. Then shows up with an empty water bucket. Then lectures you about how defective the house was.
What is now inexplicably called Obama’s “fix” for the chaos he has created is surreal. He gives you permission to reoccupy your house — if you can get someone to rebuild it — but for only another year.”
For others, matters boil down to nothing more than politics, such as why the new health care tax enrollment date has been delayed a month.
According to Fox News on-line: “Congressional Republicans accused the administration of shifting the dates for political reasons, to hide a spike in 2015 premiums, though information may already be available about 2015 premiums before the elections on Nov. 4.
"That means that if premiums go through the roof in the first year of ObamaCare, no one will know about it until after the election," Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said in a statement. "This is clearly a cynical political move by the Obama administration to use extra-regulatory, by any means necessary tools to keep this program afloat and hide key information from voters."
Nonetheless, while Senator Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., “Accused the White House of moving next year's open enrollment date to shield Democrats up for reelection next year who supported the law," he also plans to introduce legislation that would require insurers to provide Americans with "proper notice" of premium increases before open enrollment period on the exchanges starts.”
So, if Alexander's legislation’s passed, all the administration’s manipulations will have been for naught and political life will go on a usual.
In that regard, there’s this from Fox, “Taxpayers are on the hook for a multi-million-dollar tab after a U.S. Department of Energy gamble on a green automaker went into the red.
The Obama administration announced Friday it will lose $139 million on a loan to struggling electric car maker Fisker Automotive Inc. after selling part of the loan to a private investor that immediately took the company into bankruptcy.
The transaction brings to an end another effort by the Obama administration to use public funds to stimulate green initiatives.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., vice chair of the House Energy "Once again, American taxpayers are losing out to foreign investors due to the Obama administration's failed green energy policies," Blackburn said. "Time after time this administration has fumbled the ball with their attempts to pick winners and losers when it comes to American energy."and Commerce Committee, called that small solace.”
But, while the administration still keeps up its unbridled misspending and pursuing its misguided agenda, trends keep shifting among its core supporters.
Variety via Drudge reports that: “Leno saw a boost in his final months the first time he was ready to ankle “Tonight” in 2009, but it must be encouraging for NBC to see his replacement come on so strong this fall. In fact, Fallon is now outdrawing David Letterman’s CBS show in young adults even though the latter starts an hour earlier.
In total viewers, “Tonight Show” is leading with 3.69 million — up 9% from last year and its best start to a season since the fall of 2008 — and is followed by “Late Show” (2.94 million, down 5%) and “Jimmy Kimmel Live” (2.60 million, up 36% from last year). Letterman is up 3% from last year in adults 50-plus, underscoring the fact that his audience is aging.”
So, as I’ve mentioned often before, younger people today are receiving input in different ways than in the past, and there's’ too much information available from too many sources for government to control as they used to.
Consequently, it really doesn’t matter too much any more what the New York Times editorial board wants to print, or how leftist outlets maintain their bias. Especially when younger folks, who communicate amongst each other continually, are trading information about their experiences and opinions which might very well turn unneeded. costly, attempts at socialism like the health care tax to implode.
Which leads to the last item today, a link that demonstrates once again why government is incapable of managing anything effectively, regardless: USAID programs hit by fraud, corruption and bid-rigging allegations
That's it for today folks.
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