Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Fox News Channel’s, Chris Stirewalt, writes that: “President Obama is back in attack mode. Obama’s tone, which was briefly contrite following his admission that he had misled voters about being able to keep their insurance policies, turned combative during his West Coast campaign swing. He blamed Republicans for problems with his faltering health law, promising that “anybody who is going to keep on pushing against that, they will meet my resistance.”
The incumbent’s positioning is quite interesting because, his health care tax passed with only Democratic votes and was then enacted solely by his own administration. The only Republican involvement of any material kind was a shutdown of government for 16 days in an attempt to derail or delay the law’s implementation. Consequently, it’s doubtful that any but the most devoted or uninformed followers will buy a word that was said out west.
On the other hand, also according to Mr. Stirewalt, “A new Quinnipiac poll shows 61 percent of Ohioans disapprove of Obama’s job performance and records the lowest approval rating for the president – 34 percent – of any national or state poll conducted by the school. Fifty-seven percent of respondents did not feel Obama was trustworthy, with 59 percent disapproving of ObamaCare. Forty-five percent of respondents said they expected the quality of their health care to be worse a year from now."
So, here we have what seems to be confirmation of the public’s thinking regarding the value of empty presidential/political rhetoric and threats.
Along the same lines, the differences between politically slanted commentary and actual facts are illustrated clearly in the next two items, both addressing the exact same situation.  
Fox’s Chris Stirewalt reports that: “Liberal columnist Paul Krugman took to his NYT blog Tuesday claiming the administration’s “upbeat” tone on fixes to ObamaCare’s Web site indicates the health law is turning a corner. Krugman added, “They [administration officials] could be deluded or spinning; but after what happened two months ago one suspects that the last thing they want is to inflate expectations unduly.” He further contends the facts are getting better by the day and ObamaCare will turn into a “Benghazi-type affair where Republicans are screaming about a scandal nobody else cares about.”
However, at the very same time, Variety’s Senior TV Editor, Brian Steinberg, via Drudge, writes that CBS News correspondent Lara Logan and producer Max McClellan will take leave of absence from the network in the wake of a flawed “60 Minutes” report on last year’s attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
The suspension was a result of CBS News’ internal review of the Oct. 27 segment about Benghazi, which the network found to be lacking in its efforts to substantiate the assertions of a key source, security officer Dylan Davies. The review was disclosed in an internal memo from CBS News chairman Jeff Fager issued Tuesday.” 
So, evidently, many folks still care greatly about what actually took place in Benghazi. And if that were not so, it’s doubtful a major network like CBS would be taking action regarding employees failure to properly confirm assertions presented by "sources.” 
Therefore, if Mr. Krugman believes that because investigators have been stonewalled, while information's suppressed that it denotes lack of interest in the subject, he’s likely got two surprises to look forward to. Sooner or later the Benghazi cover-up will be thwarted by Congress while the health care tax will blow up just like the Benghazi compound did. 
That’s it for today folks. 

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