Saturday, November 30, 2013

BloggeRhythms 11/30/2013

A holiday observation with a political slant.
For no special reason, but primarily due to professional or vocational experience over time, most folks in and around our family tend toward the political right. For the most part though, while some isolated social issues have significant bearing, economic policy and practices are by far the issues of most importance.
There is, however, an older female individual whom supports the Democrat party fervently, and at present believes the incumbent to be the most perfect human on earth. Therefore, for every family gathering she attends, it’s understood by all others that the subject of politics is verboten, never to be brought up.
This Thanksgiving, however, an out of town guest arrived who is not only ideologically on the left, but deeply involved in the political leadership of her state. And, as to be expected, at a point in the evening the two engaged in an exchange heard by most other guests.
I mention this because every time I hear Democrats converse, the subjects covered never seem to have any real substance or depth. For the most part, feelings, hopes, wishes and wants take precedence, while realities such as the failures regarding the economy, health care, taxation, foreign policy, education, free enterprise, governmental interference and environmental misgivings never arise.
What’s particularly galling is the continual brushing over of subjects in the most general terms, ordinarily summed up regardless with the catch phrases that any Democrat is good, but “W” is bad and all the ills of the world are his fault.
But, what’s really most tragic is most of the public’s (and many politicians) lack of knowledge required to grasp subjects as complex as how the U.S. economy actually works. That leads to ignorance of the ramifications of income suppression coupled with growing debt that will, sooner or later, cause the artificially created appearance of growth to collapse. Then add to that, the rising costs of taxation, especially one as widespread as those on health care, and the financial picture can only get worse.
But, unfortunately, in the case of Democrats in particular, reality rarely enters the picture while broken promises are quite acceptable if there was good intent. And yet, with this particular administration, intentions don’t seem to be very honest either.
Which is why if the plan is to have a peaceful, pleasing Thanksgiving dinner, it’s best to just sit there and only say things like, “Please pass the sweet potato's,” and leave your political opinions at home.
That’s it for today folks.

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