Amongst the barrage of problems surfacing each day as the incumbent’s health care tax implodes, there seems to be a less obvious, yet growing, factor doing considerable damage to the tax on its own.
Each rating period, Fox News shows, especially those of superstars Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Britt Baier, etc., keep reaching new records for viewership. Leftist bastions, however, such as CNN and MSNBC are losing audience size dramatically. Which raises the question: Why should that be?
The conclusions come down to simple logic, rather than some convoluted analysis of viewer’s psyches.
At the moment, the nation’s going through a huge upheaval of its health care system, and in the midst of trying to adapt to a government administered program that simply doesn’t work. Which means that what people need most is reliable, accurate information they can rely on.
If those confused folks, however, tune into someone like Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, or the biased talking heads frequenting most liberally-biased TV, they're more likely to get tirades, propaganda and anger, but very few facts that can actually help them. As a result, they're now forced to go channel-surfing for valid information, sooner or later winding up on the highly accurate and informative Fox, making it very likely they’ll return there in the future.
Then, of course, finally receiving accurate, helpful input, they discover stories like this one from Chris Stirewalt, who writes that “The Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday it is offering up contracts of up to $7 billion for ways to reduce spending under ObamaCare, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.”
Now, I ask you to consider the lunacy of this one. Because here we have an administration seeking ways to lower spending that’s gotten completely out of hand. But, they simultaneously think it’s perfectly logical to spend $7 billion of taxpayer's dollars to find out how and why they’re wasting those every same taxpayer’s money.
Further evidence of the administration's inability to grasp even the most fundamental aspects of economics can be seen in another trend. Mr. Stirewalt notes that “The participation rate among younger voters dropped precipitously between [the last] two elections, with Obama pulling 2.4 million fewer votes from 18-29 year olds in 2012.” And although, “The Democrats’ decline in popularity is not automatically the Republicans’ gain, Ken Cuccinelli won the 18-24 year-old vote against Terry McAuliffe in the Virginia governor’s race.”
So, here we have a growing trend of Dem disappointment within a population segment critical to the success of the health care tax. Because if these young folks refuse to be fleeced to pay for the infirmities of the older, sicker among us, the whole tax will almost certainly crumble. A point probably never considered by the ideologues believing that Socialism’s virtues of redistribution override hard-core economic realities.
Then, lastly, there’s this one, also from Mr. Stirewalt: “As a former Democratic operative, Levar Stoney, admitted to covering up an incident in which Democrats slashed the tires of dozens of Republican vehicles in Wisconsin on Election Day, 2004. Stoney, a deputy manager for McAuliffe’s campaign, will now be Virginia’s secretary of the commonwealth.”
In this instance we have another reminder that for politicians there’s rarely consideration of how power’s abused. Because once they’re elected, as the incumbent proves daily now, whatever was promised is totally forgotten. Unbridled self-serviance and patronage are all that counts.
That’s it for today
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