Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Once again Liberals have me remembering the famous Green Bay Packer fullback,  Jim Taylor, who when asked by a sports reporter what his greatest accomplishment was, replied something like going through LSU unscathed by education.
And that it seems, is how Liberals go through their entire lives. Totally ignorant of how the real world works.
Today’s example comes from Chris Stirewalt’s column on  Fox News, wherein he reports that Liberal Democrats are saying the president should have just leveled with voters about the need to destroy the policies in order to drive consumers into ObamaCare.”
Now, from a veracity perspective, these Liberals certainly seem correct without doubt. However, had the incumbent told the truth way back then, it would have created one small glitch. He wouldn’t have been reelected, and he surely knew it. 
But now that he’s been branded as a fabricator, it seems that the extent and frequency of untruths no longer really concern him. Because once the horse leaves the barn, its too late to recover.
In that regard, David Martosko, U.S. Political Editor of dailymail.uk writes that “President Barack Obama told a conference-call audience of progressive volunteers on Monday evening that 'more than 100 million Americans' – in a nation of less than 314 million – have successfully signed up for health insurance via the Affordable Care Act.”
Mr. Martosko continues with: “And at a time when his signature legislative initiative's website has made the White House the butt of jokes, the website hosting the conference call was plagued with its own connection errors and other malfunctions.
A weary-sounding Obama made his gaffe during the call, hosted by Organizing For Action, the nonprofit successor to his campaign organization Obama For America. The group claimed 200,000 people managed to listen, aided by an RSVP process that included a fundraising solicitation.” 
However, what Mr. Martosko either didn’t grasp, or perhaps is to gentlemanly to suppose, is that the incumbent’s saying that 100,000 had signed up for the health care tax wasn’t an error at all. It was simply another unbridled, purposeful lie. 

What’s also becoming more evident as each day goes by, is how much this move to Socialism has cost taxpayers, with no real relief in sight. 
Fox News also says that “The Obama administration gave states roughly $4.4 billion in taxpayer dollars to set up their own ObamaCare websites, according to a new analysis. Their report shows 24 states received money but decided to instead send residents to the federal HealthCare.gov site. it’s one point.” 

So, this incredibly expensive scam to give 30 million people free health care, paid for by the 285 million others, continues. But, the most incredulous aspect of this massive move toward redistribution of wealth, and governmental taking of funds from those that earned them, is that Liberals truly believe this is how our economy should work. Which, I guess, confirms why our nation is broke. 
That's it for today folks. 

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