Story’s appear almost daily now, further disclosing how the last presidential election win was fraught with doctored statistical data and outright fabrications.
One of today’s items on Fox says the “The House Oversight Committee wants the Census Bureau to provide more information about a NY POST report claiming that monthly unemployment numbers were fixed ahead of the 2012 presidential election. The agency has turned the claims over to its inspector general.”
In that regard, “Representative. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Megyn Kelly, “You’re talking about something that escalated over potentially the course of years and culminated right before an election.”
As far as numbers go, I seem to have made a mistake on Monday by using an Office of Management and Budget report to illustrate the administration's ridiculous demands for paperwork from businesses.
Now it seems the OMB “is blaming bad math after the conservative American Action Forum reported proposed regulation would result in 45.9 billion hours of new paperwork. A multiplication error resulted in the eye-popping number, AAF reports. After reworking the numbers, OMB says the regulations would result in just 9.9 million hours of paperwork.”
So, I guess I have to apologize, because only 9.9 million hours of totally wasted time is far more conducive to business productivity and would only cost them a mere $71,775,000, if accountants worked for the minimum wage.
Then, perusing links on Drudge, I came across a column by Brian Ellsworth and Daniel Wallis of Reuters that sounded very familiar to me, although their subject was Venezuela, as follows:
“Venezuelan lawmakers granted President Nicolas Maduro yearlong decree powers on Tuesday that he says are essential to regulate the economy and stamp out corruption but adversaries view as a power grab.
Hundreds of supporters of the ruling Socialist Party cheered outside the National Assembly as the so-called Enabling Law was passed, while a recording of Maduro's late predecessor, Hugo Chavez, singing Venezuela's anthem rang out inside the hall.
The power to pass laws without congressional approval gives Maduro a political victory in the run-up to December 8 municipal elections, although he still faces a severely distorted economy with embarrassing product shortages and inflation surging to nearly 55 percent.
"I want to thank the majority of patriotic and socialist lawmakers for approving this law that will let us advance, over the next 12 months, in defeating the economic war being waged against our people," Maduro said.”
Now, while its certainly true that we’ve yet to see product shortages or spiraling inflation, both possibilities aren’t out of the question for our own current administration, whereas socialism tends to create both.
But, what struck me most was the similarity of increases in outright governmental control which is undeniably what’s going on here in the U.S right now. Examples include; increasing rules, regulations, government growth and encroachment in huge economy segments like health care and intervention everywhere disguised as protection in such things as environmental control and the Federal Reserve’s money-market manipulation.
So, if you keep putting these pieces together, and pay close attention to the obvious trend, you won't be surprised a bit when the incumbent announces that for the good us all, and the sake of the nation, he’s going to unilaterally extend his term forever.
That's it for today folks.
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