Friday, November 15, 2013

BloggeRhythms 11/15/2013

The incumbent’s healthcare tax is moving in a direction I’ve expected for the past three years; toward extinction. But, what I still don’t understand is, how or why so many people are shocked by the miserable job that’s been done and the disastrous results to date.
Predicting the tax’s failure was quite simple. It didn’t take political savvy, an iota of computer expertise, insurance industry insight or  any healthcare knowledge whatsoever  All that was needed to foresee the likelihood of calamity was simply realizing that once the government becomes involved in anything, large small or indifferent, politics overrides everything else, regardless. Consequently, proper planning, adequate R&D, product testing, market research, solid infrastructure development, effective management, and structured implementation all take a back seat to political needs.
In the health tax case, according to Fox “ project manager Henry Chao in July feared that problems with ObamaCare’s online home could “crash the plane at take-off.” Emails obtained by Reuters show top officials involved in the development of the beleaguered Web site suffering a midsummer confidence crash.”
Nonetheless, the incumbent pushed the plan to meet his deadline, likely assuming he’d talk his way out of any glitches as usual. However, in this case the website job was so badly done he can talk for the next three years but can’t push the toothpaste back in the tube.
A further glaring example of why an endeavor the size of this one, 18.0% of GDP, is too much to handle when decisions are purely political was proven just yesterday when in reaction to Willy’s pressure, the incumbent blithely amended the legislation all by himself in front of TV cameras and the press.
Chris Stirewalt put it perfectly in his Fox column today by asking; “If Bill Clinton can make Obama do this – abandon a central tenet of the law – with a few lines on an Internet TV show, what depredations are to come?”
Charles Krauthammer too,  via Drudge wrote: “For four years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it’s real. And for Democrats, it’s a disaster. 
It begins with the bungled rollout. If Washington can’t even do the Web site — the literal portal to this brave new world — how does it propose to regulate the vast ecosystem of American medicine? 
Beyond the competence issue is the arrogance. Five million freely chosen, freely purchased, freely renewed health-care plans are summarily canceled. Why? Because they don’t meet some arbitrary standard set by the experts in Washington.”
So now it seems more pundits are waking up to the real threats to the nation’s healthcare. Because since decisions will continually be made this way, whether by the sitting POTUS or whoever’s to come in the future…how can the program possibly ever work correctly? And the answer is, once the government's involved, it can’t.
Moving on now. With the healthcare tax debacle taking up so much time and space in the press, readers might have missed this one, also from Fox: “A group of congressional Republicans introduced a resolution Thursday to call for the impeachment of Attorney General Eric Holder, alleging Holder had committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” during his tenure as head of the Justice Department.
Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, claims Holder has committed “the offenses of lying to Congress, refusing to comply with a subpoena, and failing to fulfill his oath of office.” 

The resolution introduced by Olson cites Holder’s unwillingness to cooperate during the investigation into the botched Operation “Fast and Furious, his refusal to prosecute those involved IRS targeting of conservative groups, his failure to enforce laws including the Defense of Marriage Act, and his “false testimony” about the DOJ’s monitoring of Fox News journalist James Rosen as articles that are grounds for impeachment.” 
So, even though the health tax is so time consuming. Republican congressman are keeping their eye on all of the balls. 
And lastly, there may be some international happenings making headway in other areas of misconception and misdirection of our current administration and its stranglehold on the economy that might have some impact here at home.  

The reports that: “Australia’s new conservative government introduced legislation that would eliminate the carbon tax and cut funding to green energy in a series of aggressive moves to scale back the country’s environmental laws. 
“We have said what we mean, and will do what we say. The carbon tax goes,” Prime Minister Abbott told Australian lawmakers that: “Repealing the carbon tax should be the first economic reform of this parliament.” 
The issue grew however, because:”While Australia’s actions to roll back the green agenda have environmentalists kicking and screaming, the country received praise from Canada’s ruling party — that country rejected a carbon tax in 2008. 
“The Australian Prime Minister’s decision will be noticed around the world and sends an important message,” said Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Parliamentary Secretary Paul Calandra. “Our government knows that carbon taxes raise the price of everything, including gas, groceries, and electricity.” 
“Greenhouse gas emissions are down since 2006, and we’ve created one million net new jobs since the recession and we have done this without penalizing Canadian families with a carbon tax,” Calandra added.”

So, it seems that wherever you look, facts, figures, truths and events are making the leftist agenda harder to sell. But, as it seems to be turning out, those in disagreement really don’t have to do much at all. Because as each day goes by, their hare-brained ideas and schemes blow up one after another all by themselves.

That’s it for today folks.


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