Sunday, November 10, 2013

BloggeRhythms 11/10/2013

Two articles today, shed great light on why the administration, and especially the incumbent, destruct, destroy or severely set back every issue they touch. And in most cases, the reason can only be total incapability to perform the required functions of office, or dishonesty at the highest level.
In one case,  Fox News/politics reports that ”President Obama's courting of top U.S. executives this week to help get the Republican-controlled House to pass immigration reform is furthering the divide among conservatives, with a top GOP senator and others suggesting corporate America is lending its support with hopes of getting more access to low-cost immigrant labor.”
Fox goes on to note that: “The president said before the White House meeting Tuesday that he and others who support comprehensive immigration reform passed in the Senate know the “politics are challenging” in the House and that they “want to make it as easy as possible” for Speaker John Boehner to get enough votes for passage. However, that McDonald's Don Thompson and Marriott’s Arne Sorenson, whose companies depend on low-skilled inexpensive labor, were among those at the meeting has raised questions from some conservatives, especially at a time when millions of Americans remain out of work.”
So, here we have the incumbent courting major employers to seek their help in pressuring Republicans to soften their stance on immigration, thereby giving these same employers a greater supply of low cost workers.
Yet, at the exact same time he appears somewhere else with a totally different story.  
According to Dave Jamieson of the Huffington Post on November 7th: “President Barack Obama is throwing his support behind congressional Democrats' proposal to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 and peg it to inflation, more than a dollar higher than the $9 proposal he made in his State of the Union address in February.
A White House official confirmed to Huff Post Thursday that the administration backs the legislation introduced earlier this year by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The Hill reported Thursday that Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the White House was willing to get onboard with the measure.
"The President has long supported raising the minimum wage so hardworking Americans can have a decent wage for a day’s works to support their families and make ends meet, and he supports the Harkin/Miller bill that accomplishes this important goal," the White House official said in an email.”
Therefore, while welcoming major employers to the White House to cajole them into pressing for immigration reform on the premise that they'd have more low cost laborers to employ, he simultaneously threw his support behind proposed Democrat legislation that would increase those very same costs by 35%, whereas the minimum wage is now $7.50.  
Now, it’s clearly understandable that this kind of double-dealing worked for half a century in Chicago, where politicians and thugs are interchangeable and of the same ilk. But the issues the incumbent’s dealing with now don’t only affect a single city, even a large one, they apply to the entire U.S. 
And I guess that’s really the hub of the problem. Because the issues plaguing the greatest industrialized nation on earth are being mismanaged by a small time guy who thinks that hustling Chicago’s  2.715 million people is the same as the additional 311 million more he’s supposed to be responsible for now. But, obviously, he really can’t handle this big a job well at all.
That’s it for today folks

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