Wednesday, November 13, 2013

BloggeRhythms 11/14/2013

As most readers already know, when addressing Obamacare yesterday Bill Clinton said, “I personally believe even if it takes a change in the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.”

Clinton’s comment had my mind doing handstands, because I couldn’t figure out why he made it. Neither Clinton ever says or does anything that doesn’t benefit them personally, and therefore I was totally confounded, because I couldn’t see where Bill’s gain was. And then it finally hit me.

The only thing that makes sense is that he’s certain that in one way or another, the law will be changed because of political pressure, taxpayer revolt, Congressional action, or perhaps simply relenting by the incumbent himself. But, no matter how it implodes, Slick Willy wants to be on the record as the first of his party to be publicly adamant, maintain the legend of his political acumen, and then figure how to profit from it if he hasn't already. 

However, even if Willy truly believes the law should be changed and folks are allowed to keep plans they like, its now too late to push the toothpaste back into the tube because insurers have all changed their program configurations to comply with the health tax as now written.

Chris Stirewalt of Fox put it this way: “Millions of Americans are facing a Dec. 15 deadline for the entire federal government to be able to operate a single Web site or else they and their loved ones might lose their health coverage.

Team Obama built the law wrong in 2009 and 2010 and then couldn’t figure out how in the span of three years to build the Web site on which the law depends. But now they can fix it all in a month. Got it.

Obama can’t do what Clinton suggests because if he did, the flaking mortar that holds together the law would start to fall out altogether. If America does not endure the coming crash, health insurance cannot be transformed in a historic, monumental, Obamian way.

Clinton, on the other hand, knows that America won’t be very forgiving about people who crash the insurance system on purpose. If Obama doesn’t relent he might not end up with changes to the law but with republicans winning two wave elections and replacing ObamaCare with whatever the boys in the lab at AEI are brewing up.

In his interview Tuesday, Clinton defended the health care law as a whole, but explained how the broken promise on health coverage can hurt young people. He relayed the story of a young man who said his individual market plan was canceled and replaced with one whose premiums were twice as high. Though his deductibles and co-pays were lower, that savings is only realized if he gets sick, Clinton explained.”

And that’s the flaw in the whole system. Because no young folks ever evasion themselves getting ill, so why pay for something they’ve no use for? Which is why the tax is a law devised by out of touch morons believing the market's populated by fools.

But if nothing else, the incumbent’s probably quite happy that the health tax debacle is keeping most other news out of the headlines, such as this item from
Ali Meyer reports that; “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in September the labor force participation rate was 63.2 percent, but in October it dropped to 62.8 percent—the lowest it has been since February 1978, when Jimmy Carter was president.”

And even worse for the whole Dem party, reports in its blogs/noel-sheppard column that “The new prime time lineup at Fox News continues to demolish its competition.

Last week, FNC almost doubled the combined viewers of CNN and MSNBC from 8PM to 11PM. During this time period, FNC averaged 2.1 million total viewers and 376k in the important demographic of folks aged 25 to 54. MSNBC had 716k and 202k respectively while CNN brought in 433k and 146k.

For the week, only ESPN brought in more cable viewers than FNC in prime time.

TVNewser reports that this was Fox's second-best week of the year only bested by the week of the Boston Marathon bombing.”

So, not only are the Dem’s getting slammed by their leader whose popularity’s dwindling by the minute, the news outlets depended upon to deliver their leftist slant are losing viewers faster than he is. Which means, I guess, that reality’s finally beginning to sink in and rational folks want their country back again.

That’s it for today folks.


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