As expected, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, threw herself under the bus yesterday attempting to defuse the uproar over the quickly imploding new health care tax. Placing the blame for the roll-out failure on herself.
While the excuses, finger-pointing and flat-out BS are certainly no surprise, the major problem will never be addressed, and even worse, can’t ever be fixed because it’s ingrained.
Simply stated, there’s no function on earth that can’t be performed better by the private sector, regardless. And although things like the military, national defense and naturally, tax administration must be done by the government, even those could be improved significantly. So, it doesn’t really matter what the current excuses are regarding the health care tax, it’ll never run efficiently or professionally, because it can’t so long as government's involved.
In that regard, Ezra Klein of Bloomberg Businessweek via Drudge notes that “Even Obama’s allies acknowledge that the debacle could do damage beyond the health-care system.“ Klein then writes that; Austan Goolsbee who was “Obama’s top economic adviser during the 2008 campaign,“ stated that “This plays into the suspicion that resides in really all Americans that, outside of narrow functions they can see and appreciate like Social Security and national parks, the government just can’t get it done.”
Furthering the thought, Klein goes on: “The saga of has been a symphony of government inefficiency. The effort, directly overseen by the IT department of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, involved no fewer than 55 contractors. The process was thick with lawyers and political interference. In violation of current best practices in the software world, the code was kept almost entirely secret; other engineers weren’t able to point out its flaws, and it wasn’t tested rigorously enough.”
However, here’s Klein’s most important point of all: “The Obama administration has been assailed for not calling in Silicon Valley’s top minds to collaborate, but that misses the fundamental problem: The best coders in the Valley would’ve never agreed to work under such deadening, unpleasant conditions.”
But, as horrendous as the totally botched technical job was, which took a full three years and still doesn’t function anywhere near the level it should, we come to the truly despicable aspect of the tax’s devastating effects on the nation's population.
Noel Sheppard, Associate Editor,, writes that “Lisa Myers reported on Monday, the administration predicted that between 47 and 60 percent of individually-purchased policies would be cancelled under ObamaCare. Which means that ”according to Forbes, 51 percent of the employer-based market plus 53.5 percent of the non-group market (the middle of the administration’s range) amounts to 93 million Americans.
What this means is that, not only did Obama lie when he repeatedly told Americans that they can keep their plans if they like them, he also lied in Boston on Wednesday when he said he was referring to the majority of Americans covered by their employers.”
In closing, Sheppard asked : “Will media report this?”
And not to forget other extremely costly government wastes of taxpayer’s hard-earned funds, Chris Stirewalt, digital politics editor for Fox News, writes that “turns out the Obama administration’s “Cash for Clunkers” program was a clunker as a job creator, energy saver and emissions reducer according to a study by the liberal Brookings Institute. The 2009 $3 billion government sponsored car-buying voucher program cost $1.4 million for each job created, dropped gas consumption by only “about 2 to 8 days worth of current usage,” and resulted in minimal “emissions reduction.”
But, apparently that program was just an inconsequential drop in the bucket for liberals who have no problem at all wasting other people’s money. Because on the "Special Report with Bret Baier” All-Star Panel last night, the totally empty-suit flack, Juan Williams, dismissed the 5 percent of Americans losing their insurance under ObamaCare as a “small amount of people.”
So, out of curiosity, I did the math to find out that Williams trivial 5% losing insurance amounts to 15,650,00 people. However, since he thinks it’s such a “small amount” of folks, why doesn’t he be magnanimous and help them, by sending them each a quarter.
That’s it for today folks.
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