When you sort through all the news, there’s really not a lot worth very much attention. The botched health care roll-out, of course, is getting most of the coverage.
Reading numerous articles on the subject, one short paragraph in a column by Howard Kurtz on FoxNews.com summed the whole situation up perfectly for me. Which makes me wonder what the purpose of turning our health care upside down was all about in the first place.
Mr. Kurtz writes: “By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost -- especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify.”
So, what this simple four lines says, as opined by the Supreme Court on June 29, 2012, the health care law’s nothing but a tax.
According to the Wall Street Journal that day in June, “By a 5-4 vote, the court held the law's mandate requiring Americans to carry health insurance or pay a penalty valid under Congress's constitutional authority to levy taxes. The financial penalty for failing to carry insurance possesses "the essential feature of any tax," producing revenue for the government, Chief Justice Roberts wrote.”
So, my basic question is why are we going through these incredible gyrations, spending hundreds of billions dollars to date, and much, much more to come, on an unworkable idea devised by incompetents, when all that had to be done was to increase taxes on those who pay to support those who don’t? Because any way you try to mask, hype or disguise what’s been done it’s a tax hike period, case closed.
And I suppose that’s just the basic flaw of socialism to begin with. Because while trying to paint a rosy picture of wealth redistribution, you always get the same result. Those at the top, in this case the administration, are unaffected at all, reaping the rewards of power to the n’th extent, while everyone earning at all contributes to their cause. And those on the bottom remain there, receiving the dregs as if they were truly being helped.
But in this particular case, the ultimate damage is far worse than ever before, whereas in order to cover up the tax and redistribution scam, the finest health care system in the world has been destroyed.
That’s it for today folks.
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