As the incredibly boring budget battle goes on in Congress, the situation remains the same. The likelihood is that a last-minute deal will be struck, making the situation moot. Or it won’t.
Either way they’ll be finger-pointing distortions of fact, and politicizing of the issue, with very little regard from either side on what’s actually best for the nation’s people.
As for me, I hope a deal isn’t reached, causing the incumbent’s becoming the first POTUS in history to fail in this regard. He could have solved this issue long ago himself, but puts image over responsible governance every single time. And, sadly for him, history will cast his mistaken priorities forever in stone.
On another recurring matter, the Washington Examiner’s Byron York takes the same position as many other pundits as he “imagines what the past two months might have looked like had Republicans not been focused on bitter internal fighting: Instead of pounding Obama on the mandates, defects, false promises, and expense of Obamacare, Republicans ended up pounding themselves…Obamacare will still be a major, and for many unwelcome, factor in American life. But what an opportunity missed, at such a crucial time.”
However, as stated often during the health care tax ramrodding by the administration, I believe the Republicans have been indeed “pounding” the subject. And, as I’ve noted all along, when it self-destructs, they'll gain significantly by having been squarely on the side of the taxpaying public.
A small but very important reflection of that reality can be seen by the results of Saturday's straw-poll of religious conservatives at the 2013 Value Voters Summit in Washington.
Senator Ted Cruz, Republican from Texas, won with took 42 percent of the vote. Newcomer Dr. Ben Carson and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum got 13 percent. However, loud-mouthing Senators, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida scored a mere 6 percent and 5 percent respectively.
So, what these numbers indicate is that since voters care considerably about the health tax issue, Cruz’s major cause, his message is getting through and the rest of the pack isn’t having much impact at all.
Now, I fully realize that this kind of poll really doesn’t indicate significant national trends. But, as I mention all the time, it’s best to remember that in virtually every aspect of life, pay close attention to the little things, because they always count.
That’s it for today folks.
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