Sunday, October 6, 2013

BloggeRhythms 10/6/2013

Here’s a paragraph from a story I found on Drudge by Julie Pace, AP White House Correspondent, that I think pretty much sums up what to expect from the new health care tax.
“The rollout of the insurance exchanges has been shaky, with government-run websites plagued by glitches. Despite the problems, Obama told frustrated Americans they "definitely shouldn't give up."
I mention this because the administration’s had over three years to prepare for the launch of this extremely unpopular program, and can’t even get the introduction right. So, imagine what’s going to happen down the line when people have actual heath care problems.
I know I wouldn't want to arrive in a hospital in a life or death emergency situation, to find that some clerk can’t find if I’m eligible for help because my injury isn’t described accurately in the on-line manual. And what if the system’s down from overload on a busy weekend, and I croak before lackadaisical technicians fix it?
Proof of that likelihood stems from the most glaring examples of what to expect from the functions, services and agencies the government tries to run now, such as the post office, the IRS and both houses of Congress. All of which are just about totally dysfunctional.
So in the end, if you want to be absolutely certain that the system can’t harm you or make your condition worse, or even kill you, just make sure you don’t have any accidents, need medical care of any kind at all, and under no conditions whatsoever, don't ever get sick any more.
That’s it for today folks.

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