Wednesday, October 23, 2013

BloggeRhythms 10/23/2013

I have to believe that by this point, any rational human being evaluating the incumbent’s performance honestly, disregarding their political preferences completely, would have to conclude that he simply doesn’t know what he’s doing in virtually every aspect of job performance.
The nation’s economy is so mired in over-regulation that’s its basically at a standstill, foreign policy’s been reduced to reliance on other nations and the U.N. to repair the huge mistakes that have been made. Half the population's on some sort of government assistance program with no hope for employment any time soon. Education’s value is deteriorating at a faster pace than ever before. Stifling government interference is strangling business growth. Dependency on foreign oil for no reason still remains far higher than need be due to fears of non-existent climate change while the environment’s improving consistently because of completely natural changes in weather patterns. And these are only some of the myriad problems that have been created.  
The reason for the horrendous condition the nation’s sunk to is very easy to grasp, becoming more obvious as each day goes by. The one at the top is absolutely and unequivocally unqualified for the position he holds. Having no technical or job-related skills or knowledge, every decision made is purely political, having nothing whatsoever to do with the situations at hand, other than what’s best for partisan image.
Now, this is not news because while campaigning the incumbent’s attack was rife with accusations against his opponent. Vicious attacks on character, beliefs and prior profession took place, going so far as to smear his competitor’s business accomplishments as practically un-American.
To Mitt Romney’s credit, even though he narrowly lost the election, he refused to reduce himself to the lowest level of gutter-fighting, leaving that tactic to the Chicago huckster who’d stop at nothing to keep a job he’d already proven himself unable to handle competently.
Bringing us to the present moment, where the showcase health care tax is quickly imploding and not only in dire need of a fix, but probably an entire rebuilding if that can even be accomplished. And in yesterday’s news a name came up of a new top economic deputy chosen because of his vast experience and proven capabilities, who happens to be a former management consultant who worked for Governor Mitt Romney’s Bain & Company investment firm.
According to the, “The appointment of Jeff Zients as head of the National Economic Council is likely to annoy some union officials and some liberal groups who are focused on declining working-class wages and  growing poverty, and it clashes with the populist anti-business invective used by Obama and his aides on the 2012 campaign trail to paint Romney as uncaring.”
However, whether parts of the incumbent’s base are happy or not, there’s a monumental problem that need s solving ASAP. Which means that even he understands this isn’t a situation that can be overcome by endless verbiage designed to wear down audiences and paint over incompetence with countless tons of fabricated BS. This one can sink the worst administration in history even further.  
But, the most important thing to me is that there probably isn’t a greater testimonial to Mitt Romney’s skills, accomplishments, knowledge and managerial capabilities than to hire one of his top employees to help solve the problems created by a band of bozos in the White House who know absolutely nothing at all about what they’re doing, regardless of subject. 
That’s it for today folks.

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