Friday, October 4, 2013

BloggeRhythms 10/4/2013

I’ve been asking the same question for a very long time now, because I truly don’t know the answer and don’t know where to look to find it. 
The most perplexing thing to me is who in the world really believes that a major new obligation like the health can be shoved down the public’s throat without an incredible fight. Yet, Dem’s, and especially the incumbent, act as if it’s a fait accompli although there's been absolutely no hint of widespread public acceptance.
Today, according to via Fox News, “A recent Reuters poll found Obamacare may not attract enough young people to keep costs low for others. And according to our small sampling, the answer would be no.”
But what’s most illustrative of widespread public sentiment was put perfectly by Patrick Richardson, a senior at the University of Toledo in Ohio.  At 22-years old and considering himself fortunate to have health insurance through his employer he stated that: “An entire generation is being turned into a part-time workforce."
Consequently, whereas this demonstrates that young folks are very likely aware of precisely the magnitude of damage being done to them, this doesn’t bode very well for the tax’s future. 
Along those lines, also according to Fox: “While the House and Senate point fingers at each other over the budget impasse, new polling suggests the only thing they might accomplish is getting thrown out of office.”
What this means is that while Democrats believe and act as if they’re the good guys in the health care fight, the public thinks something else entirely. Because, “Despite a robust campaign by Democrats to pin the blame exclusively on their GOP colleagues, the American public appears fed up with just about every elected member from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol dome. 
The public sentiment should bring a sense of foreboding for any lawmaker seeking re-election in 2014, with evidence mounting of an anti-incumbent backlash in the making.”
So, once again narrow-mindedness and arrogance have put Dem’s in a box they built for themselves. Because the voting public is far more aware today of who does what then ever before. And all the speeches in the world aren’t going to get folks to willingly sign up for a program they don’t need or want, even if threatened by the IRS. Because as time goes by, they’ll figure out ways to beat the system like always.
And then there was a small item on the PGA Tour website, also via Drudge
Yesterday, the 10th Presidents Cup tournament got underway at Muirfield Village golf course in Ohio. “W” Bush was in attendance and when introduced, the crowd chanted "43, 43." And then a fan called out, “Boy, do we miss you.”
So, as they say, it’s the little things in life that count which indicates to me, that despite all the contrary propaganda in the press, there's plenty of political opposition in the nation to the Dem’s. And if a huge crowd of middle-Americans has no retort or objection to a swipe at them in public, I  think that’s a significant indication of things to come.
That’s it for today folks.

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