Busy day today. Didn’t get much time for the news. But, one of the items I scanned made an interesting point, probably true, that the incumbent surely doesn’t want to be the one in office when the nation defaults on its debt for the first time in history. Because, no matter who’s to blame, it would happen on his watch.
While the preceding has real validity, whereas the incumbent’s all about image, perception, mirrors and smoke that mask his incompetency, another factor is likely to cause him to find a fix for the hole he dug himself.
According to The Associated Press-GfK survey,: “Overall, 62 percent mainly blamed Republicans for the shutdown. About half said Obama or the Democrats in Congress bear much responsibility.”
What I found most interesting about the survey is that adds up to 112% in total, which fits this administration perfectly. Because none of them, right up to the very top, know a thing about math, and especially so when they’re trying to figure out why the budget won’t balance.
But the thing most likely to get the incumbent negotiating is that: “Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent.”
So, once again, when image outweighs substance, especially when there isn’t any governance capability at all, this too suggests a fix is highly probable.
Another problems also arisen suggesting an end to the standoff is needed pretty quickly, as follows:
“John Stossel discusses the lessons from fiscal drama in Washington for Fox News Opinion in Shutdown Theater: “If the public starts noticing that life goes on as usual without all 3.4 million federal workers, we might get dangerous ideas, like doing without so much government. Politicians don't want that.”
Consequently, just like the sequester turned out to be a dud nobody really cared about, there’s a high probability that except for those affected personally, nobody else gives a good GD about the slimdown either.
And then, if you couple that with the fact that the incumbent gives so many speeches, folks tuned him out about four years ago. Which means he’s talking to himself and a handful of folks coerced into listening, and perhaps those in the press who manage to stay awake because they have to. But, all in all, this whole scenario’s a huge waste of time, concerning nothing more than political posturing. And as of right now, it looks like that posture is prone for both sides.
That’s it for today folks.
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