As the battle continues over the health care tax and debt ceiling increase, it just might be that the Republicans are gaining ground. Because no matter how much Dem’s and the liberal press try to say that Republicans are at fault for the slimdown and disruptions caused, dissatisfaction with Dem’s is growing as well. Some pundits, in fact, are now predicting a total cleaning of both Congressional houses next time around.
Furthermore, Nedra Pickler and Jennifer Agiesta of write that “Americans are finding little they like about President Barack Obama or either political party, according to a new poll that suggests the possibility of a "throw the bums out" mentality in next year's midterm elections.
The AP-GfK poll finds few people approve of the way the president is handling most major issues and most people say he's not decisive, strong, honest, reasonable or inspiring.”
There’s also the fact, as I’ve been suggesting all along, that the misguided new health care tax ought to be just left alone, because the odds are extremely high that it will implode by itself.
In that regard, Peggy Noonan recapped the debacle succinctly for me, as follows: “A quick summary of what didn't work. Those who went on federal and state exchanges reported malfunctions during login, constant error messages, inability to create new accounts, frozen screens, confusing instructions, endless wait times, help lines that put people on hold and then cut them off, lost passwords and user names.
After the administration floated the fiction that the problems were due to heavy usage, the Journal tracked down insurance and technology experts who said the real problems were inadequate coding and flaws in the architecture of the system.”
And although the incompetent bureaucrat, Kathleen Sebelius, may not know the statistics for the program she’s responsible for, somebody does. Because, as far as sign-up’s go, the Daily Mail reports that “only 51,000 completed applications using ObamaCare’s health exchanges in the first week, attracting only 6,200 on its first day according to Health and Human Services sources.”
Incompetency, however, isn’t limited to only Ms. Sebelius, as pointed out by Peggy Noonan who hits the nail on the head once again in relating that, “More than any administration of the modern era they know how to talk but have trouble doing. They give speeches about ObamaCare but when it's unveiled what the public sees is a Potemkin village designed by the noted architect Rube Goldberg. They speak ringingly about the case for action in Syria but can't build support in the U.S. foreign-policy community, in Congress, among the public. Recovery summer is always next summer. They have trouble implementing. Which, of course, is the most boring but crucial part of governing. It's not enough to talk, you must perform.”
In the meantime though, while the administration’s optimal inefficiency continues to destruct what’s taken over two hundred years to build, let’s not get blinded by the horrendously huge mistakes and forget the little things. Because they count too.
It seems, according to the, that: “Embattled IRS official Sarah Hall Ingram made 155 visits to the White House to meet with a top Obama White House official with whom she exchanged confidential taxpayer information over email.
Of Ingram’s 165 White House meetings with White House staff, a staggering 155 of them were hosted by deputy assistant to the president for health policy Jeanne Lambrew, according to a June Watchdog.Org analysis of White House visitor records.
Ingram exchanged confidential taxpayer information with Lambrew and White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz, according to 2012 emails obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.”
So, let’s remember that although the administration may be totally incompetent, botching everything it does due to simple functional inability, they’re not only unqualified professionally but they’re also crooks.
But lucky for us, and with some help from folks like Congressman Daryl Issa and some whistle-blowers, as each day goes by and evidence builds, they’re slowly but surely burying themselves as well.
That’s it for today folks.
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