Monday, October 7, 2013

BloggeRhythms 10/7/2013

While the slimdown continues, some obvious but little-covered factors become clearer. 
First and foremost, more folks are becoming aware that from the Dem’s perspective, the whole endeavor’s political, having just about nothing to do whatsoever with good governance at all. In fact, to me it seems they don’t care a whit about heath care itself, but are determined to make their Republican rivals look obstructionist. 
Thus, as I’ve been suggesting all along, if the Republicans can hold out together in a united effort, sooner or later the Dem’s are going to have start addressing the legislative travesty they’ve created, either finally agreeing to fix it or shut it down. 
In the meanwhile, though, I read an interesting article by Noel Sheppard, of MRC NewsBusters via Drudge shedding some light on how the liberal media aids and abets leftist causes wherever it can.
Regarding young people, Mr. Sheppard writes that “these folks apart from Facebook and Twitter get their "news" from liberal sources such as the Associated Press, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and believe it or not Jon Stewart.”
He then goes on to cite an interview with a group of journalism students held by host, Frank Sesno, a director of the George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs, addressing media coverage of politicians.
Sesno asks “Who decides who's credible, who's not? How do you cover these people?” 
Unidentified male: We shouldn't be giving senators and congressman who are saying falsehood of a -- lying on the -- on the news. So like there are senators and congressmen who have said, you know, the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. Well, it is. The Supreme Court ruled that it's constitutional. And that's fine. 
So, like, just -- you can't just like say these things because that's how you feel. If someone is going to blatantly say something that's incorrect on the news, as an elected official, we should -- they should lose their access to the media. 
Sesno: You shouldn't interview them again? 
Unidentified male: No.” 
I bring this up because the way the subject was handled by Sesno never really addressed the Supreme Court decision properly at all. 
The Court, in fact, didn’t pursue the issue to begin with, whereas Justice Roberts determined the act was a tax and therefore within the discretion of the incumbent and Congress to do what they wanted. And that brings me to my point for today. 
Because I firmly believe that if folks truly understood what transpired when this new tax was rammed down their throats, they’d have a whole different attitude toward what had been done. However, the liberal media never mentions the tax aspect at all, instead avoiding the issue completely, protecting their beloved incumbent continually. 
And the saddest part of it all is, that between a media that promotes its own causes, combined with educators in the same vein, the minds and thoughts of young folks all over the nation are continually molded to robotically accept biased input without question or retort, regardless. 
That’s it for today folks. 

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