A primary reason for starting this blog was presenting thoughts, especially about important issues and events as they occurred. Particularly appealing because reading much about current happenings, daily entry's provide opportunity to record and track actual eventualities against original expectations, be they correct or mistaken.
In most cases, opinions could only be addressed regarding expectation, whereas, early on, future results couldn’t possibly be known in advance. And, as eventualities turned out, some predictions were precisely correct, others decidedly wrong.
However, some anticipated results were so obvious, requiring far less than the smallest modicum of common sense, that just about anyone capable of thinking at all would reach the same glaring conclusion. And that’s what today’s entry is about, because I simply can’t understand how anyone with an iota of intellect could truly be surprised by the abominating introduction of the incumbent’s health care tax.
Yet, folks as knowledgeable as Daniel Henninger of The Wall Street Journal writes that, “The collapse of ObamaCare is the tip of the iceberg for the magical Obama presidency.
From the moment he emerged in the public eye with his 2004 speech at the Democratic Convention and through his astonishing defeat of the Clintons in 2008, Barack Obama's calling card has been credibility. He speaks, and enough of the world believes to keep his presidency afloat. Or used to.
All of a sudden, from Washington to Riyadh, Barack Obama's credibility is melting.
Amid the predictable collapse the past week of HealthCare.gov's too-complex technology, not enough notice was given to Sen. Marco Rubio's statement that the chances for success on immigration reform are about dead. Why? Because, said Sen. Rubio, there is "a lack of trust" in the president's commitments.”
But, while it seems folks like Henninger are just waking up, where have they been for last five years? Because, other than speeches and denigration of dissidents, what has the incumbent ever done or accomplished? And, everything touched so far has been one type of disaster or another.
Just yesterday I wrote: “The nation’s economy is so mired in over-regulation that’s its basically at a standstill, foreign policy’s been reduced to reliance on other nations and the U.N. to repair the huge mistakes that have been made. Half the population's on some sort of government assistance program with no hope for employment any time soon. Education’s value is deteriorating at a faster pace than ever before. Stifling government interference is strangling business growth. Dependency on foreign oil for no reason still remains far higher than need be due to fears of non-existent climate change while the environment’s improving consistently because of completely natural changes in weather patterns. And these are only some of the myriad problems that have been created.”
So, once again, where have these people in the press been for the last five years? Because if this current health tax disaster is the first indication of administrative failure and incompetence they’ve noticed, they’ve either got mental blocks or suffer from incurable stupidity.
Which brings me to my next and last point.
Benghazi, you let them die," the heckler shouted.
Yesterday, realclearpolitics.com reported that “Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to a large crowd at the University at Buffalo Wednesday night, as part of the university's Distinguished Speaker Series, and was heckled.
Benghazi, you let them die," the heckler shouted.
So, if Bill Clinton’s wife hasn’t even started campaigning yet, what’s the tired old bag going to do when asked if she’s seen Vince Foster lately, or how are things going at the Rose law firm today, and has she still got the hundred thou made overnight on a fictitious future’s trade?
Then again, I’m not even sure she can actually run. At her age, she might have to walk, crawl or take a bus.
That’s it for today folks.
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