Thursday, May 9, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/9/2013

Yesterday’s I focused on the Benghazi hearing and the impression I got that the Dem’s made complete and utter fools of themselves, acting like children closing their eyes and thumbing their noses when facing issues they wish to avoid.

However, aside from totally immature behavior, what really doesn’t make a whit of sense to me is why individuals supposedly representing their constituents and responsible for many aspects of their well-being, would purposefully not only waste, but also denigrate a chance to learn from three of the nation’s top foreign diplomatic personnel. 
Because, regardless of political persuasion, there aren’t many opportunities to discuss with seasoned hands-on experts the serious international threats facing our nation. Yet the Dem’s not only ignored that perspective, they demonstrated complete and thorough incompetence regarding the positions they hold.

Paralleling the childish, close-minded Dem's  the major networks did precisely the same thing by ignoring the hearings altogether, which I confirmed by flipping from Fox occasionally to see what other channels were airing. 
One of the most glaring examples to me of the damage wrought by political bias in broadcasting regarded a teary-eyed Greg Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya. He choked-up while describing how distraught he was when Susan Rice fabricated her tales about the terrorist raid on five different talk shows. 
While Mr. Hicks presented the details of his ordeal, I quickly flipped channels to see what the other TV coverage was, assuming they’d all broadcast the historic event, as well. However, what I found was, on one a woman dressed as a chicken or duck was trying to guess the price of a washing machine, dryer or stove while another station had a couch full of ladies heavily debating what kind and how much hair tint to use as you age. Suffice it to say, all the other channels, including public broadcasting, were airing pretty much similar gibberish.

But, being forever hopeful, I think they erred on this one whereas Benghazi just might be too big to keep on ignoring. And, if that turns out to be true, the public backlash could become horrendous for the networks.

In the meantime, the incumbent’s back on the taxpayer’s plane again, this time to visit Texas to talk about job growth. I mention it because, of all the places in the nation, I doubt he could find a better example of how big a success you can become economy-wise if you simply do the complete and absolute reverse of every word he ever utters.

Governor Rick Perry's spokeswoman, Lucy Nashed, put it better that I ever could by saying, “If the Obama administration wanted to follow Texas' lead, it would help the economy grow by cutting taxes and spending, rolling back regulations, passing tort reform and "getting out of the way and allowing employers to risk their capital and create jobs."

Now, I have no real expectation of the incumbent actually trying to do something helpful for the nation, that simply doesn’t fit the picture of someone totally unconcerned with the welfare of anyone but himself.

But nonetheless. if he truly cared about the economic well-being of his followers, Texas might be the perfect place to follow the footsteps of another ultra-leftist, Tony Blair.

When faced with an economy strangled financially by his own party, Blair stepped back, bit the bullet, fixed the welfare and healthcare systems, tossed out unwieldy, self-defeating overbearing nonsensical legislation. Even taking on the unions, he brought his nation back from the ruins, putting it on a solid, steadily increasing fiscal track.

However, unfortunately for us, the incumbent doesn’t give a whit about actually doing anything whatsoever. So it’s far more likely he’ll  just keep on sinking the country without lifting a finger. Except for the one he uses when he points at Republicans while blaming them for the dire straits he's put us in all by himself. 

That’s it for today folks.


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