Monday, May 13, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/13/2013

After the Sunday talk shows, a consensus seems to be building that lug nuts on the wheels of the administration's bus are coming loose. And perhaps, one, two, three or all four might very well fall off completely.
There are also some rumors that White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, might get tossed off the vehicle while its still rolling, to try to prolong the eventual wreck of the incumbent’s second term.
However, regardless of the timetable or individual pieces of the overall puzzle, evidence mounts daily establishing that the White House crew is panicking as their game-plan comes apart at the seams.
As for me, although I certainly had no idea of the specific issues that would cause the implosion we’re seeing, I’ve been predicting for over four years now that something like this would happen. Because  while really having nothing to do specifically with politics, governance, or any particular legislative positions, simple logic suggested that the people involved haven’t the knowledge, credentials, experience or acumen required for the responsibilities they undeservedly took on.
I’ve mentioned before that in competitive business situations when vying with unqualified or incompetent contenders, that although it’s usually extremely hard to do, the best tactic is most often to simply wait because basic ineptitude can’t be overcome with BS.
Therefore, although it may take more time than you’d like, sooner or later charlatans that can’t deliver as promised always self-destruct due to incompetence. And the best thing about that is,  that once competitors prove themselves as phonies, they don’t ordinarily ever get a chance to come back.
So, once again I suggest that as the self-caused, embarrassing, unraveling of the administration continues, that Republicans in Congress patiently gather the massing evidence of abuses of power and political ploying to support their case without fanfare. Because its becoming glaringly obvious that those heading their opposing party were unfit for office from the very beginning.
That’s it for today folks.

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