Talking to my wife yesterday afternoon, discussing the mounting scandals involving the incumbent, it dawned on me that although he and his cohorts are labeled politicians because of their positions, they really aren’t such at all. In actuality, they’re nothing more than thieves and thugs holding public office.
As mentioned often recently, this group in DC, much like the Chicago model, has taken control of key governmental elements enabling them to impose their will on segments of the society most likely to personally benefit them most. Examples include, finance via the Federal Reserve, taxation through the IRS, education aided by union control, health care by legislation as well as through taxation, along with growing governmental employment rolls to facilitate increased population suppression.
At the same time, manipulation of a naïve and gullible mainstream press provides another tool enabling the band of self-serving bandits to suppress information which otherwise would potentially expose the fraud disguised as merely political ideology. And this particular point is extremely important, whereas if the truth were ever pursued via diligent reporting, the compounding incapability's of so-called “leadership” would have long ago been disclosed.
However, as I’ve also mentioned often before, the problem the administration faces now is that while its proven possible for thugs and thieves to gain long-term control over a major city, continual muscling of the entire nation is a far greater task. Furthermore, that requires talents that street-hustling grifters, con men and glib fast-talkers simply haven’t got.
Consequently, if one area of needed governance experience falls short, such as foreign policy perhaps, with the right amount of subterfuge that deficiency might be glibly glossed over, abetted by the press. Then, should another managerial weakness crop up, an economy for instance that simply won’t respond due to improper stimulus and over-regulation, that too might be written off as a misguided attempt to redistribute wealth.
Add to that, glossing over blatant terrorism as merely spontaneous negative reaction to a movie because the core problem’s been touted as solved, whereas an actual planned attack might raise questions of competency at the very top.
Along the same lines, refusing to utilize the wealth of the nation’s natural resources while enriching foreign suppliers simply due to the magnitude of donations from special interest groups also might be satisfactorily explained away as environmental protection. Especially so when a willing media’s controlled.
But now, it seems a points been reached where even the complicit press has finally decided to stop, review the issues and facts, and reconsider what their blind allegiance has wrought upon us all. As a result, the so-called “leadership” is now likely to be taken to task and then, ultimately exposed for the fraudulent incompetent thugs they really are.
And, when that happens, I for one will be extremely pleased whereas I won’t have wasted the thousands upon thousands of keystrokes I’ve continually dedicated to the cause.
That's it for today folks.
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