Never thought I’d write words like this in a billion years, but it’s a good thing that so many of the members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are lawyers.
For most of my life, and especially regarding business, attorneys have been nothing to me but self-serving parasites, scraping their keep from the efforts of others while adding nothing of productive value whatsoever. To this day I’ve never met one I admired or respected. However, since they interpret the law and are licensed to practice, they’re an unfortunately needed drain on society.
Nonetheless, and the reason for my thanks for them today, is that they’re experts at asking pointed questions. And, what’s especially beneficial in the IRS investigation is that both political sides have come together for once. Because both can be irreparably harmed, depending on which party’s in power. Consequently, even Dem’s are helping seek those responsible for delaying Tea Party and conservative applications for tax-free status and posing appropriate query’s.
At the same time, what’s interesting to watch is that although Dem’s seem to be equally intense in grilling those testifying before them, most still go out of their way to establish that the misdeeds and falsehoods remained within the bureau itself and didn’t extend to the White House, quite certainly not the incumbent himself.
However, try as Dem’s may, the hard evidence produced in emails, letters, phone calls and such seems to indicate that there were indeed people close to, or even at, the top who were well aware of the situation and did nothing to correct it.
In summary, one of the things made clear today, which I hope holds true, is that this is only the beginning. More witnesses will be called, the case will develop further, and eventually with a little luck, the whole truth will out whereas both party’s really now want the answers.
In another, similar matter of administration abuse of power and collusion, though far smaller in scope than intimidating, delaying or eliminating foes via the IRS, there’s now increasing evidence of White House attempts to stifle damaging investigative reporting,
Guy Benson, of Townhall Magazine on-line’s Tipsheet, reports of pressure on CBS to censure or terminate Sharyl Attkisson, who’s “been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi.”
Now, here’s the interesting part.
According to Benson, “On Friday, ABC News reported that the Benghazi talking points went through 12 revisions before they were used on the public. The White House was intimately involved in that process, ABC reported, and the talking points were scrubbed free of their original references to a terror attack. That reporting revealed that President Obama’s deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS News president David Rhodes — was instrumental in changing the talking points in September 2012. ABC’s reporting revealed that Ben Rhodes, who has a masters in fiction from NYU, called a meeting to discuss the talking points at the White House on September 15, 2012.”
The story goes on: “Well then. ‘CBS News executives’ are wringing their hands that Sharyl Attkisson maybe "wading dangerously close" to advocacy on Benghazi. It's now entirely reasonable to ask if the top executive at the network may be "wading dangerously close" to a massive conflict of interest. Is David Rhodes trying to protect his brother -- who's just been revealed to be knee-deep in the Benghazi cover-up -- by muzzling and marginalizing a problematic journalist within his news division?”
So, I guess what we need is Ol’ Blue Eyes in the background, singing about Chicago, the town that Billy Sunday couldn't shut down. However, while the incumbent cut his teeth in a town that could be controlled via corruption, muscle and intimidation, it seems that the whole nation’s becoming too much to chew on for an amateur. And that’s why, although I generally refer to him as "the incumbent',” I think it’s time to change a few letters and start using “the incompetent” instead.
That’s it for today folks.
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