Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/28/2013

Not much going on today, most folks still revving themselves back up following the long weekend. Two items caught my eye though, both pretty funny.
According to the Associated Press via Fox News.com, “With his political future tied irrevocably to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden is still working to preserve his own distinct identity as he contemplates a third presidential run in 2016.”
Now, as ridiculous as it might be for this absolute dunce to seek the presidency, I really don’t think he needs to worry about obtaining a distinct identity. If there’s a soul of voting age who doesn’t know that this bumbling clown has no intellectual capabilities whatsoever, they’d deserve having him in the White House. But, I don’t think the nation need worry about his potential election next time around, because by then most Dem party heads will likely be locked in the slammer. 
Next, Daily Mail on-line’s David Martosko repots that, “Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul mocked President Obama's signature health care overhaul, noting the 122,000 new medical diagnostic codes doctors will have to use in order to inform the government about injuries sustained by Americans.”
Paul claims that, “Those codes include line-items for 'injuries sustained from a turtle,' 'walking into a lamppost' and  'injuries sustained from burning water skis.'
As for me, I’m not really a Rand Paul fan, he’s a bit too far out for me. But he certainly makes a solid point regarding the health care tax. And, most importantly his comments clearly illustrate what happens when you leave any kind of legislation to bureaucrats.
I often wonder, as a practical matter, how people with no ongoing experience can sit somewhere off by themselves and decide what’s good, or bad, for those actually involved in any kind of process or endeavor. In fact, bureaucracies rarely address improvement of any practical kind, instead incenting paper-pushers to employ as many words as they can to any issue instead of functionally solving problems.
So, as I said at the start, not much going on at the moment. But every once in a while it’s good to begin the week with a joke, which is precisely what the federal government and it’s membership are.
That’s it for today folks.

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