Friday, May 24, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/24/2013

Not much new regarding the scandals embroiling the administration. But it’s not even noon yet, so there’s still half a day left leaving plenty of time for another government branch, department or agency to unravel, implode or be investigated by Congress.

In the meantime, however, searching for blog-worthy items I found one about good old reliable Nancy.

According to Real Clear Politics, "Pelosi blames "Bush Appointee" For "Politicized" IRS Scandal" as described in the following exchange:

REPORTER: Since the IRS happened on President Obama's watch, how much of a hit -- or do you think at all Democrats will take a hit on the IRS in the 2014 midterms?
REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), MINORITY LEADER: Well, you said it happened under his watch. It happened under the appointment of the head of the IRS, who was appointed by President Bush. His length of stay extended into President Obama's stay. I think that that points to the fact -- why is this a politicized issue? We all are concerned about how the IRS does what it's supposed to do but does not do it in a selective way.
Well, it seems that motor-mouth Nancy may have once again spoken with no knowledge of relevant facts, or else simply tried to alter the truth. Because, according to Wikipedia and several other sources on the web: “Shulman was appointed by President George W. Bush even though he donated $500 to the Democratic National Committee in the month prior to the re-election of President Bush in 2004.”
So, although there’s no other confirming information I could find, it seems that Mr. Shulman’s one of those Dem’s selected by “W” in his attempts to de-politicize his staff and departments.
But then again, I could be incorrect. Because as we all know, according to Dem's, anything bad or negative that’s happened in the last two millenniums are all without question unequivocally Bush's fault.
That’s it for today folks.

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