Thursday, May 30, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/30/2013

A couple of items today, both adding to my continual confusion about how the typical liberals mindset works. Because by simply reading the news, anyone with an IQ over 0 has to realize that the incumbent’s nothing more than a self-serving empty suit with a teleprompter.
According to an Associated Press article via Fox, the incumbent's broken a promise made in 2009 regarding his health care tax. AP says that “when Congress was starting to grapple with overhauling the health care system to cover uninsured Americans, later that summer, public anxieties about changes would erupt at dozens of angry congressional town hall meetings with constituents.” 
It was then that the incumbent made one of his “best known promises about his health care overhaul: If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan. Period." 
He also assured the American Medical Association that. "No one will take it away, no matter what." 
However, now that the tax is actually being implemented, there are several major glitches. Most stem from the fact that the plan can’t be implemented as promised because insurers haven’t the time, resources, capabilities or interest in reviewing existing policies that might not meet new minimum coverage regulations. So, they’re cancelling policies instead, replacing them with ones they know will conform. And that alone establishes a keystone presidential promise as a flat out, unequivocal fabrication. 
To me though, the most incredible thing was the reaction of supporters, many of whom according to AP “are betting that consumers won't object once they realize the coverage they will get under the new law is superior to current bare-bones insurance. For example, insurers will no longer be able to turn people down because of medical problems.”
In that regard, one of those questioned by AP I think put it best as follows: “You're going to be forcibly upgraded," said Bob Laszewski, a health care industry consultant. "It's like showing up at the airline counter and being told, 'You have no choice, $300 please. You're getting a first-class ticket, why are you complaining?”
In the same vein, another aspect of the tax struck me while reading, whereas I really don’t review the numbers every day. But, if the goal is to cover most of the nation's nearly 50 million uninsured, which even the incumbent says will cause, “bumps in the road,” even an outright imbecile would have to wonder where that money was going to come from. And, as they say, when you look around the poker table and can’t figure out who the patsy is: Guess what?
And that brings me to my second cause for confusion today. Because, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, the incumbent was ”judged honest and trustworthy by 49 percent in the latest poll, with 47 disagreeing.” The last time they asked that question, September 2011, 58 percent said he was honest and trustworthy and 37 percent said he wasn’t.
At the same time, “Three-quarters of U.S. voters want a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups by a margin of 76 percent to 17 percent. In the survey released today, "such a move included 63 percent of Democrats."
Furthermore, 73 percent of those surveyed said the top priority should be dealing with the economy and unemployment.
And finally. Sixty-eight percent of voters said they are “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with the way things are going in the U.S.; 32 percent said they’re “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied.”
So, to now come back to my opening question.
According to the preceding poll, from a recognized, independent, organization, roughly three quarters of the voting population is dissatisfied with the incumbent’s performance, whereas he’s the one directly responsible for all those things they greatly disfavor. Yet, he’s still a favorite of half of them.
I for one, am certainly not surprised by his performance because it’s been clear from the start he has absolutely no viable credentials for the job he holds. I also think he’s a bombastic, loud, boring, grating speaker which is why I read his incessant outbursts instead of tuning in to actually hear them.
But, what I absolutely can’t fathom is who could possibly be dumb enough to keep buying his BS, watch everything he touches implode, happily pay for his horrendous errors and inexperience and then, give him a favorable rating on top of it.
Since nobody, and I do mean nobody, could be that dense, I now have serious doubts about how these polls really work and who’s behind them. Because the incumbent's approval rating just doesn't make an iota of sense.  
That's it for today folks.

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