Monday, May 20, 2013

BloggeRhythms 5/20/2013

For me, the incumbent had no credibility well before his being elected the first time. I’ve also been questioning his administration's veracity for years in many entry's right here on-line. Therefore, I’m not only pleased my suspicions are proving out, but also because of those who are now finally awakening to the fraudulent bill of goods they’ve been sold by a street-thug disguised as a politician.
In that vein, yesterday Bob Schieffer, who moderated the third presidential debate in 2012, and in my view tried to help his favorite win that contest by bailing him out when he stumbled, joined others in the main stream media now realizing they’ve been duped from the very beginning.
According to Ben Wolfgang of The Washington Times on-line, Schieffer interviewed a White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer yesterday on "Face the Nation." 
The host began by saying, “I don’t want to compare this in any way to Watergate … but I have to tell you, that is exactly the approach the Nixon administration took. You’re taking exactly the same line.” 
He next “Castigated the White House for taking credit when the federal government does something right, but passing the buck when problems arise.” Then he added, “Republicans and other critics have made similar claims that Mr. Obama seems to have little knowledge of what’s happening in his own federal government.”
Along the same lines, Schieffer went on, “When the executive branch does things right, there doesn’t seem to be any hesitancy for the White House to take credit for that.” The killing of Osama bin Laden as an example. But, “When these [scandals] happen, you seem to send out officials many times who don’t even seem to know what’s happened.”
And then at the end he apparently blew his cool by demanding to know why Mr. Pfeiffer was making the rounds on Sunday talk shows, rather than a higher-ranking official. Finally asking “Why are you here today? Why isn’t the chief of staff here today?”
The reason I believe this is so important is because two underserved elections have been won with the huge help and collusion of a strongly biased major media. However, they’ve now been used and misled often enough that even they can see what stooges they’ve been right from the beginning.
So, with three major scandals taking place simultaneously, and many more likely still in the woodwork, its now very possible that the media might revolt and start telling the truth about things with which they formerly were complicit. And although at the moment the incumbent’s position is surely weakened, without his media allies he’s cooked altogether.
That’s it for today folks.

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