Thursday, June 9, 2016


Obviously, no one knows at this point how much pressure the POTUS will exert on Sanders to cease campaigning for the presidency when the two meet later today. The current numbers, however, illustrate clearly why Sanders still says he’s staying in the race to the end.

According to the Associated Press yesterday, Bill Clinton’s wife now has 2,191 pledged delegates, while Sanders has 1,1816, a difference of only 375.

With 2,383 delegates needed to win the party’s nomination, Bill’s wife is currently 192 short of that number, yet only 136 are still available in primary’s yet to be held. Thus, despite all her hype, smoke and mirrors perpetrated on the public yesterday, without the “superdelegates” votes she still hasn’t actually won anything yet. 

In the superdelegate count Bill’s wife currently has 574, Sanders a mere 48, However, also according to the AP, “Pledged delegates are based on state primary results, while superdelegates can support any candidate. Delegate results aren't final until the convention in July.” 

Which means that if something untoward happens between now and then, such as an FBI recommendation for indictment, Sanders or someone else, might very well win the nomination in a contested convention in Cleveland next month.

On the other side, Lili Gil Valletta @Fox News Latino, titled her column Tuesday: “Opinion: Big data reports Latino support for Trump on the rise at 37%”

Ms Valletta writes: “It is evident that Donald Trump has rewritten the rules of political campaigning, leaving the so-called experts, analysts, journalists and even the GOP itself puzzled by the power and effectiveness of his approach.

“Whether you agree with him or not, his rise and political success is undeniable. He has activated a sentiment in people that appeals to the raw emotion of Washington frustration. On the other hand, he has also set a tone in which public labeling, divisive rhetoric and racially charged comments are “OK” in the public eye, and has unraveled a whole new way of freedom of speech in America.” 

In her acknowledgement that Trump has changed the political landscape in a way that has defied and altered conventional thinking in regard to campaigning, she next suggests that despite his divisive rhetoric, he may truly be winning over Hispanics, as follows: 

“Clearly, conventional political research is in question, but what if big data analysis reveals Trump’s rise is real, based on a sample size of over 1 million Hispanics?  

“Based on big data analysis over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of Hispanic positive sentiment versus 41 percent for Clinton. Surprisingly, the candidates tie in negative sentiment across Hispanics at 38 percent, discounting the fact that Latinos default as Democrats or are completely turned off by Trump’s off-color comments. After all, over 50 percent of Latinos identify as political independents.: 

So, here again, while the major media maintains its undeniable favoritism of the political left, in any forum outside the hard core Democrat party members, favorability percentages keep shrinking. To the extent that, one who is truly despised by all of them trails in the polls by only 4% with 5 months to go until election day. And therefore, Trump has more than ample time to mend his bridges and gain significant ground among those 50% of Latino independents. 

And then, a friend sent this one, about politicians in general: 


Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Although the Democrat party has employed tactics such as superdelegates to insure that an extremely unpopular candidate can win a rigged presidential nomination, Paul Bond, writes today about what the rest of the nation thinks of their significantly flawed presumed nominee. 

According to Mr. Bond: “Hillary and Bill Clinton might want to avoid movie theaters if they’re looking for a little down time from campaigning

“There could be up to eight right-leaning films released in the coming months set to hit the big screen and online streaming services with storylines less than flattering for the Democrats' presumptive nominee. The first, which hits YouTube on Thursday, uses actors to re-enact Hillary Clinton’s deposition about the email scandal that’s swirled around her candidacy.

“And there’s more. Bigger projects include one directed by political documentarian Dinesh D’Souza, another based on best-selling author Peter Schweizer’s book that follows the Clinton money trail and perhaps one more sponsored by conservative non-profit group Citizens United.”

In response, there are certainly defenders of Bill’s wife rising to offset the “onslaught of anti-Hillary movies. Left-leaning Media Matters for America has issued multiple missives, calling Clinton Cash "error-filled" and D'Souza a "discredited conservative conspiracy theorist.

“Still, they won’t influence the slate of anti-Hillary films on tap, the first scheduled for streaming on Thursday”

So, what’s happening is that, while most , if not all, of the information regarding Bill’s wife has been readily available to the voting public, not all of that public has the time or inclination to absorb all the details in print or on boring news shows. But now, however, in an entertainment format the information can easily be absorbed by virtually anyone. Which should prove highly educational although quite unflattering as well.

Bringing up the ongoing question once again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?     

That’s it for today folks.   


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