Friday, June 17, 2016


Today’s another that indicates, if elitist Republican politico’s can get their act together and support Trump, the odds of winning the White House keep getting better and better. Because, story’s in the news toward the end of the POTUS’s term indicate his overall performance has been a disaster of major magnitude. Far, far worse than has been reported to date by the accommodating major media.    

According to “CIA Director John Brennan, in a chilling warning on the Islamic State’s growing influence, told lawmakers [yesterday] that U.S.-led efforts to strike at the terror group have not hampered its “terrorism capability and global reach” – a message that stands in stark contrast to President Obama’s more upbeat assessment earlier this week.”

And now, on the heels of that refutation of the POTUS’s message on terrorism groups, Chriss W. Street, reports today: “The Department’s Bureau of Economic Statistics (BEA) regularly makes small revisions to its published statistics as more information becomes available over time. But in a massively large adjustment, the BEA just revised downward — by $346 billion — the real (after-inflation) GDP for 50 states and the District of Columbia, covering the 11-year period from 2005 through the end of 2015.

That means that real GDP was overstated by about $125 billion from 2007 through 2008, although the number shrank to about $70 billion in 2009. 

Then, during 2012 and 2013, in a “micro-recession,” the overstatement of real GDP growth ballooned to about $275 billion. “Despite over $100 billion in revisions to real GDP growth in 2014 and 2015, the overstatement continued to grow to $324 billion, or 2 percent of GDP. That ranks the Obama presidency as the fourth from the bottom for the 43 Presidents of the United States, Obama’s performance ranks above only Herbert Hoover at -5.65 percent, Andrew Johnson at -0.70 percent and Theodore Roosevelt at 1.41 percent.” 

While the POTUS now has an overall job approval of 51 percent, the government is “set to erase a huge percent of the administration's national GDP growth during the last week of July 2016. That is just in time for President Obama’s big speech at the Democratic National Convention, which runs from July 26 to July 28.” 

At the same time, slowly but surely, the importance of immigrants to the Democrat party continues to surface. 

Christine Mai-Duc writes, this morning: “A new study from the Public Policy Institute of California estimates that, if executed successfully, the state's new motor voter law could add more than 2 million new voters to the rolls in its first year of implementation. 

“The new law, slated to take effect next year, is supposed to streamline the way citizens register to vote at Department of Motor Vehicles offices. Once fully implemented, drivers applying for or renewing licenses and completing other DMV transactions will have their information electronically transmitted to the secretary of State, as long as they've confirmed they're eligible to vote and don't opt out of registering.” 

Regarding immigrants: “If the law is a success, the report says, California's electorate could grow to include more Latinos, young people and those with foreign-born parents and lower education levels. 

“The share of voters who have not attended college could increase by more than 6 percentage points, for example, and the share of Latino voters in the electorate could jump from 23.8% to 27.8%, PPIC found. 

The following chart illustrates the groups benefiting from the change in the law, showing who's being added to the Democrat voter base and why immigrants are so important to them.

 (Public Policy Institute of California)

On a similar subject, a Facebook friend posted this one today:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Sam Frizell, titled his article today: “Bernie Sanders Does Not Concede Democratic Nomination to Hillary Clinton”

Briefly and to the point, Mr. Frizell writes: “Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders promised in a video address on Thursday night to continue his political revolution, declining to concede the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton despite losing a majority of votes to his rival. 

“Still, he vowed in his video address to do whatever he could do to help Clinton defeat Donald Trump in a general election, promising to work with her to “transform the Democratic Party.” 

In this case, while Sanders does all he can to sound supportive of Bill’s wife, he certainly understands better that most that by his refusing to quit, he’s weakening her considerably. First by being a distraction, and then by not adding his supporters to her total vote count. 

Which has to mean that he still suspects something untoward will happen to her before, or during, the upcoming Democrat convention in Cleveland. And perhaps, that has something to do with the two parallel investigations being conducted by the FBI, into her email abuses and Foundation fraud. So, it seems, we all have to say tuned to find out exactly what Sanders senses or already knows.  

As far as Sanders himself is concerned, some research this morning shows that he’s been in public office for 35 years now. Beginning as Mayor of Burlington, Vermont in 1981, serving four terms, he was then in the House of Representatives from 1990 to 2006 when he was elected into the U.S. Senate, where he has been ever since. 

Which goes a long way to clarify his belief about taxpayers and their obligations. Because for the last half of his life, taxpayers have been supporting him entirely, leading to the obvious conclusion that if they can carry him on their backs financially, why not pay for everybody else? And that certainly seems to make sense. Because from the perspective of a parasite, spreading everyone else’s treasure is a worthy goal. 

So, today sees the two leading Democrats in what seems to be vulnerable positions. One can’t get enough votes to get him the presidential nomination, while the other may well be on the way to the slammer. Bringing up the continuing question once more: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks.        


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