Yesterday, it was mentioned here that many recent events, such as the
Brexit vote in the UK, were serving to bolster Trump’s campaign,
whereas he’s been on the right side (no pun intended) of most of those
issues. In response, a long-time friend responded via email that he
believed too much credit had been assessed in the public’s favor, as
My friend's response: “This may sound elitist but I think
you are giving a sizable majority of the American public too much
“(you need to be more of a Democrat) Most of the public does not care about or understand Hillary's transgressions.
decades the Democrats have resorted to labeling Republicans as Racist,
Anti Gay, Anti Woman and on and on. Yet with hardly any evidence to
support those claims the sheep buy into it because the press says its
so. Trump realizes this. That is why he dumbs down his speeches- with
little substance. So far it has worked.
“Only an indictment of her will force them to notice.”
subject’s been brought up again today, whereas the response to my friend
this morning seemed an appropriate summation of the current state of the Trump campaign.
“What’s Trump’s bringing about is a coalition of
all those who’ve been misled, harmed or taken advantage of by years of
political self-serviance. The voter frustration crosses party lines, is
huge in the numbers affected and has resulted in Trump’s amassing more
votes to date than any candidate in political history. Including Reagan
and Kennedy. That’s why he defeated 16 others in the primary’s.
while you may be absolutely correct in regard to historical voter
performance, Trump’s approach has been to focus on the major issues
in a way that traditional candidates either can’t or won’t. And it’s the
economy, jobs, border security, foreign policy and particularly illegal
immigrants and the Iranian deal that are the key hot buttons involved
at present.
“Compounding the problem for his competitors so far,
is that they have no way to determine who Trump’s supporters are
because they are so widespread and diverse. Which in its own way should
be extremely difficult, if not impossible for Clinton to deal with.
Because an unidentifiable voter base is virtually impossible to reach in
mass numbers. Just ask the 16 other Republican’s that he’s already
turned inside out.”
Rush too, yesterday, opined on Brexit, comparing the event to earlier attempts to bring Britain more in line with Europe.
said: “Let's go back to 1990, October 30th, 1990. It's in London, in
Parliament, Margaret Thatcher, during a debate on rejecting a move
toward a more closely united Europe. Do you know what it was costing the
UK every year to be a member of the European Union? It was something to
the tune of $18 million a year. Had to pay 'em $18 million a year for
privilege of membership in the European Union.
Farther along, Rush said: ‘Here's Margaret Thatcher, two bites warning her nation about turning British power over to Europe.
The president of the commission, Mr. Delors, said at press conference
the other day that he wanted the European Parliament to be the
democratic body of the community. He wanted the commission to be the
executive and he wanted the Council of Ministers to be the Senate. No.
No. No.
"RUSH: Very similar. Here's the next one.
Perhaps the Labor Party would give all those things up, easily. Perhaps
they would agree to a single currency, to total abolition of the pound
sterling. Perhaps being totally incompetent with monetary matters they'd
be only too delighted to hand over the full responsibility as they did
to the IMF, to a central bank. The fact is, they have no competence on
money, no competence on the economy, so, yes, the right honorable
gentleman would be glad to hand it all over. And what is the point? In
trying to get elected to Parliament only to hand over your sterling and
to hand over the powers of this house to Europe.
And then, in his conclusion, Rush brought the comparison to the current U.S. into focus, as follows:
We mentioned this quote of hers yesterday. What's the point of even
having a British Parliament if you are gonna cede your own sovereignty
to some gigantic European association, and especially if you're ceding
it to a bunch of incompetents who don't know what they're doing. And
that is patently obvious. They don't know what they're doing. They are
guided by sleeves and emotion. Whatever is on their sleeve, the emotion
on their sleeve, they're guided by it.”
And, in its own way
that’s what’s transpiring here at home. Trump has brought governmental
incompetence and its ramifications to the forefront. Exposing
self-serving politicians for what they are. Which is something other
candidates can’t do themselves. Because they’re all part of the same
fraternity, regardless of party affiliation.
Thus, if he can
keep that “outsider” image growing, he’ll keep attracting those that are
fed up with government altogether, which is more than his current
competition, or anyone else, will be able to overcome at the polls.
And then, a Facebook friend posted this one:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
mentioned her yesterday: “Documents obtained by The Associated Press as
part of a lawsuit involving the Obama administration showed at least 75
meetings with longtime backers of her political efforts, the Clinton
Foundation or other interests that were either not included on her
official calendar or whose names were not disclosed.”
In that regard, Julian Hattem, writes: “There were at least 114 nongovernmental officials who attended those meetings and meals with Clinton, the AP found.
Friday, State Department spokesman John Kirby would not defend the
discrepancies, citing both the AP's lawsuit and the passage of time.
of the ongoing litigation I am not in a position — nor should I be
expected to — to speak of the scheduling habits of a previous secretary
of State,” Kirby told reporters. “I’m not able to do that.”
“It’s a case of ongoing litigation and I’m simply not able to discuss it further.”
it seems that quite subtly, the State Department has backed somewhat
away from their usual knee-jerk response to immediately support Bill's wife, or downplay the questions asked by the press.
whether or not that indicates an eventual cutting of ties, or perhaps,
the following of a change in orders from the White House obviously
remains to be seen.
However, if this is truly the beginning of
an abandonment of Bill’s wife, the ongoing question needs asking again:
Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz,
are you guys reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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