Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Today’s major story’s boil down to perspective as much as they do content. Because, if taken at face value, it would seem that Trump has significant campaign problems, perhaps insurmountable. Delving into the details, however, indicate something else entirely. 

An article on FoxNews.com this morning, for example, can easily be construed as very good news for Bill Clinton’s wife, yet it's actually better in it’s own way for Trump. 

According to the article: “Hillary Clinton is moving up in the polls in two key battlegrounds as the race shifts to the general election, pulling ahead of Donald Trump in the pivotal swing state of Florida and bringing the race for Ohio to a dead heat. 

“The latest Quinnipiac University Poll shows Clinton leading her presumptive Republican rival 47-39 percent in the Sunshine State. That’s up from a near-draw in similar polling a month ago. 

“The former secretary of state also has closed Trump’s modest lead in Ohio, with the latest poll showing the candidates at a 40-40 percent tie.” 

While the numbers indicate a fall-off for Trump, key information’s contained in a later paragraph as follows: “The polling follows a rough patch for the Trump campaign. The billionaire businessman has been sparring with fellow Republicans over his controversial comments and proposals – including remarks about a U.S. federal judge’s Mexican heritage and his call to temporarily halt Muslim immigration. On Monday, Trump ousted his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.” 

Thus, three major setbacks occurred in Trump’s campaign, yet he hasn’t lost any ground he can’t regain, once the smoke settles and he gets himself back on a focused track. Which may be why the article points out that: “Nevertheless, Trump and his top advisers are voicing confidence about the road ahead.” 

One of the major reasons Trump may very well be in an extremely strong position can be seen in another item. This one from Cassandra Vinograd @nbcnews.com, this morning. 

Meant to be damaging toward Trump, the reverse seems to be the case here as well. 

Ms. Vinograd titled her story: “Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Campaigns: Filings Show Huge Fundraising Gap.” Then she goes on: “Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump on the fundraising front, electoral filings show, casting doubt on the Republican's claims that money is "pouring in" for his campaign. 

“Trump raised just over $3 million in May — the month he secured enough delegates to win the Republican nomination — while Clinton raked in more than $26 million, according to the latest filings from the Federal Election Commission. 

“Those numbers — weak for a Congressional campaign, let alone a run at the White House — have put Trump and the Republican Party at an extraordinary financial disadvantage heading into the general election. And that's not all. 

“The candidate's poll numbers have slumped, criticism from Republican officials has continued unabated and rumors of a rebellion at the national convention have swirled. 

“On Monday, Trump fired his controversial campaign manager with just one month to go before the party's nomination convention.” 

So, what we have here is a seemingly biased writer exposing current negatives affecting Trump, while simultaneously illustrating how she believes those problems will significantly benefit Bill Clinton’s wife. 

Yet, there’s another way to look at the same picture entirely. Because Trump’s currently a guy who not only has irritated many in his own party, made some glaring mistakes on issues, and has spent very little compared to his rival. But, nonetheless, while not all that far behind in a critical state, Florida, he’s within the margin of error in most of the others. 

And that’s against the wife of a former president who has a national machine of supporters working diligently on her behalf, while Trump’s out there almost by himself. 

Thus, one would think that with still a long way to go in the campaign cycle, Bill’s wife’s the one with problems. Because, in her particular case, familiarity truly does build contempt.   
One such example of what lies ahead as the presidential campaigns heat up is an exclusive story on drudgereport.com, regarding a Secret Service officer whose new book, Crisis of Character, is to be released next Monday. 
In that regard, author, former officer Gary Byrne, is set for TV interviews despite networks blacklisting him.

According to the article, “Team Hillary” is working overtime to block Byrne “from appearing on ANY broadcast network, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.”

“Byrne is set to reveal what he observed inside the White House while protecting the First Family in the 1990s.

'What I saw sickened me,' Byrne explains. 'I want you to hear my story.' 

Byrne paints a picture of Hillary as a deranged madwoman running interference on Bill's sexploits.

 In the meantime, the book has already became the top seller at Amazon for the month of June.

According to sources, Clinton's circle is preparing to hit back hard, with Politico planning an early morning attack on Byrne's credibility, despite his having served in federal law enforcement for nearly thirty years. 

While Clinton’s campaign has won assurances that Byrne will not be invited to spread 'lies' on any of the nation's broadcast networks, Fox News “Hannity” will have the first exclusive for cable news, Drudge has learned. 

Audience-wise, according to Ed Morrissey @hotair.com, on May. 7, 2016: “The overwhelming majority of cable news programs were down in April from their March averages, but Fox News still dominated the top of the charts. FNC was home to nine of the 10 most-watched cable news programs of the month.” 

In Hannity’s case: “[His] boost, on the other hand, has been phenomenal. Hannity now comes in third. His audience grew by over a third since last April, and it seems very clear where that dynamic originates.”

Which means that for purposes of promotion, regardless of whatever attempts to stifle Byrne's book are made by the Clinton campaign, the audience viewership on Hannity as a place to start will be overwhelming, regardless.   

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

A story today indicates that there may be trouble ahead for the present Democrat front-runner. 

According to foxnews.com/politics, some proposed rules changes are to be considered for the 2020 election. The Times reported that while the changes were pushed by Sanders backers, they were also endorsed by many supporters of presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.  

The changes affect the Democratic Party’s superdelegate system – which helped power Hillary Clinton and became a target of Bernie Sanders’ call for political “revolution,” [and] might not be long for the political world.” 

“As the presidential primary season wraps, at least a couple state Democratic parties are looking to overhaul the system and weaken the superdelegates' role.  

“Clinton had the inside track with these free-agent delegates -- party insiders free to support any candidate they want at the convention -- from the outset of the 2016 race. But, echoing Sanders' concerns with the system, the California Democratic Party approved a resolution Sunday calling for major changes including the elimination of caucuses and most superdelegates, The Los Angeles Times reported. 

“The resolution from the largest Democratic state party in the country called for Democratic governors and members of Congress to have their status as superdelegates removed, instead attending the convention as guests without the right to vote. Members of the Democratic National Committee would retain their status, but would be bound to vote for whichever candidate won their constituency.  

“The California resolution is a symbolic measure and not binding, but increases pressure on the national Democratic Party to consider changes.” 

So, what we see here is a shift in thinking occurring which may permit Sanders a far greater role in the upcoming Democrat convention. It also adds an air of uncertainty to what was to have been a coronation of Bill Clinton’s wife, no longer a forgone formality. 

It also calls, once again, for the continuing question: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?     

That’s it for today folks.       


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