According to On Friday, Michelle Obama praised the
diverse graduates of the oldest public institution of higher learning, the City
College of New York in a commencement address.
During her speech she said: “I wake up each day in a
house built by slaves.”
While the first thought here questioned why she would have moved in the first
place if she thought it that detestable, readers as usual added insightful
comments and rationales of their own.
John Poland from Neshaminy High School wrote: “Then you never should have
moved in! And You and your Damnable Husband should not have made race relations
WORSE! Everything you 2 have done is based on Lies and deliberate distortion of
the truth. Your leaving the white house and the planet can't come soon enough!"
Then there were 457 “Likes” following a comment from reader Chaylon Holland
who posted: “I wake up every day in a country where slavery was abolished, at
great cost of life and treasure. She did this in the face of a world who still
very much practiced slavery. I wake up every day in a country whom for many
years after her glorious founding, spread the light of the world to the nations,
bringing rescue, blessing, and peace to untold billions. I wake up every day
grateful for the goodness of God, that he is loving and calls all of us to be
free as his image bearers.”
At the same time, actor Matt Damon delivered a commencement speech at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he said: “The basic idea, as I
understand it, is we could be living in a massive simulation run by a far
smarter civilization — like a giant computer game, and we don’t even know it. If
there are multiple simulations, how come we have to be in the one where Donald
Trump becomes the Republican nominee for president? Can we like transfer to a
different one?”
In this case, while Damon unquestionably has every right to his thoughts and
opinions, using his celebrity in this kind of instance comes across as unseemly
and cheap. A forum offered to him by one of the most respected educational
institutions in the world isn’t the place to spout the political posturing of
the Hollywood left.
While the commencement speeches were being made, as shown above, the POTUS
was in South Florida, where according to Kevin Freking, he said the coming election is taking place in a
"fascinating media environment" in which "strange things can happen" because
celebrity and fame drive so much of the news coverage.
“Obama said he generally just watches sports on television, but his staff
told him presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump generated 70 percent
of recent news coverage. He called on Democrats to develop a sense of urgency.
"I want us to run scared the whole time," Obama said at a fundraiser for the
Democratic National Committee."
Then, farther along, he delivered a line that was more outlandish than many
of his preposterous utterings over his years in office. Showing himself “ready
to mock Trump, casting the race as a choice between continuing along the path he
charted to economic recovery or veering into dangerous territory, he said: “if
the focus is on the economy, then "this election shouldn't be close."
Now, naturally, he meant that as self-praise. However, while he was correct in his
assessment he made a significant error. Because if the economy truly becomes the key issue in November, the
Republicans will win in a record-setting landslide.
And then, a Facebook friend posted this one:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
As the results of the FBI investigation draw nearer, Patrick Howley, writes about new information showing she “posted and
shared the names of concealed U.S. intelligence officials on her unprotected
email system.”
“Federal records reveal that Clinton swapped these highly classified names on
an email account that was vulnerable to attack and was breached repeatedly by
Russia-linked hacker attempts. These new revelations — reminiscent of the
Valerie Plame scandal during George W. Bush’s tenure — could give FBI
investigators the evidence they need to make a case that Clinton violated the
Espionage Act by mishandling national defense information through “gross
“Numerous names cited in Clinton’s emails have been redacted in State
Department email releases with the classification code “B3 CIA PERS/ORG,” a
highly specialized classification that means the information, if released, would
violate the Central Intelligence Act of 1949."
The article contains considerable specific examples of how security was
breached, so here’s a link:
The situation also leads once again to the question: Joe Biden, Mayor
Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you
guys reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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