Saturday, June 11, 2016


If nothing else, the current presidential campaign's have clearly illustrated how dense, egotistical, and out of touch with reality most politicians really are. 

Love him or hate him, Trump's demonstrated how techniques and strategy’s learned in business can be successfully applied to politics, and most of them are based on simple logic.

Any business operation, large, small or in between that’s interested in developing any new product or service would first determine the size and scope of the market before investing any time or money in the project. Most often, need would be determined by conducting surveys, collecting potential customer feedback or confirming that a suspected need was present. And that’s precisely what Trump did with his presidential campaign.  

While 16 other Republican candidates pounded at voters, telling them why they were the best, how great they’d done in the past and slung mud at each other, Trump went out and looked for what those voters actually wanted from leadership. And it was those discoveries that convinced him that open borders were of huge concern to the pubic, despite the fact that every other candidate was afraid to spout what might be considered out of line with political correctness. 

When it came to the economy, he did precisely the same thing. He addressed over-regulation, governmental interference, high taxation and job loss to illegal immigrants, subjects other candidates feared discussing. And then, he similarly talked openly about how bad foreign policy’s been handled for the past seven years, where the greatest nation on the planet is no longer feared by enemies, thanks to ineffective, unskilled and often absent leadership from top to bottom in the current administration. 

And yet, despite the fact that Trumps made it clear as to what the citizenry wants, how badly things have gone wrong and what needs to be done to fix them, old-line Republican leadership is either too dense to understand it, or still believes they know more than voters do about what’s good for them. 

Just yesterday, Mitt Romney who has led a movement to derail Donald Trump's nomination, said he himself would not consider running for the White House now but will not vote for Trump in November. 

Along the same lines, House Speaker Paul Ryan described some of Trump’s comments as “racist” but didn’t withdraw his endorsement. Other Republicans withdrew their support, including Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois, highlighting concerns Trump risks dealing a “generational blow” to the Republicans by repelling minorities. 

The fact of the matter, however, is that Trump has a problem with a particular Hispanic, and openly voiced that displeasure in what would be considered basic trash talk in Manhattan. And yes, that does need to be toned down a bit. 

But, in a far more important aspect of the current problem, these old-line Republican fogies seemingly would rather stand on ceremony than observe what’s taking place around them. Because, by refusing to support Trump, they’re throwing away the chance to defeat a Democrat party that’s perhaps the very worst the nation’s seen in its entire history. 

The outgoing POTUS has run the economy down lower than even Jimmy Carter did. Policy regarding the Middle-East tinder box doesn’t even exist. The release of Guantanamo’s prisoners has returned those enemy leaders to harm us again. And the health care tax is an unaffordable quagmire of regulations whose increasing costs is strangling middle-class taxpayers altogether.     

And making Democrats more vulnerable, their current presidential candidate is not only unqualified credential-wise, having no accomplishments except marriage to her name, but is amidst federal investigations of illegal email use, questionable foundation activities and misrepresentation and dereliction of duty regarding Benghazi.

Yet, the Republican elite still refuses to admit that Trump might indeed be right, along with those supporting him with the biggest wins in all of primary history. And it's these same elitist’s who are willingly turning over the next presidency to a crook in a pantsuit. Which is why their party is over altogether, thanks to them specifically.

And then, a Facebook friend posted this one:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife update, which is concise and to the point.

Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Browne this morning titled their article: “Despite Clinton claims, 2012 email had classified marking.”

The authors write: “Hillary Clinton, from the moment her exclusive use of personal email for government business was exposed, has claimed nothing she sent or received was marked classified at the time.  

“But a 2012 email released by the State Department appears to challenge that claim because it carries a classified code known as a “portion marking” - and that marking was on the email when it was sent directly to Clinton’s account. 

“The “C” - which means it was marked classified at the confidential level - is in the left-hand-margin and relates to an April 2012 phone call with Malawi's first female president, Joyce Banda, who took power after the death of President Mutharika in 2012.    

"(C)  Purpose of Call: to offer condolences on the passing of President Mukharika and congratulate President Banda on her recent swearing in." 

“Everything after that was fully redacted before it was publicly released by the State Department -- a sign that the information was classified at the time and dealt with sensitive government deliberations. 

“A US government source said there are other Clinton emails with classified markings, or marked classified, beyond the April 2012 document.” 

So, once again, new information confirms that despite Bill’s wife’s claims, the evidence indicates otherwise. All of which supports the prediction of many that the pending FBI investigation results will be detrimental, if not campaign-ending, disclosures. Which makes the Republican elitist’s anti-Trump stance stated above, all the more selfishly ridiculous. 

It also raises the ongoing question once again: Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?     

That’s it for today folks.    


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