Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Another dull day in the news, where it seems as if everything’s on hold until the results of todays Democrat primary's become known. There are, however, a couple of interesting items.

Backlash grows in the Republican party against Trump’s continued harassment of the judge in the lawsuit regarding his failed university. Even his close cohort, former House speaker Newt Gingrich, pointedly suggested that Trump start acting like "a potential leader of the United States."

However, newly published information today provides clarifying insight as to Trump’s probable motivation for pursuing the judge’s removal.

Jerome R. Corsi @wnd.com, writes: “The federal judge presiding over the Trump University class action lawsuit is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, a group that while not a branch of the National Council of La Raza, has ties to the controversial organization, which translates literally “The Race.”

“U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who has been criticized by Donald Trump as a “hater” appointed by President Obama who should be recused from the case, listed his membership in the “La Raza Lawyers of San Diego” on a judicial questionnaire he filled out when he was selected to be a federal judge. He was named in a brochure as a member of the selection committee for the organization’s 2014 Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner & Gala. Meanwhile, the San-Diego based law firm representing the plaintiffs in the Trump University case, Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd, was listed as a sponsor of the event.”

More specifically: “WND reported the San Diego firm paid $675,000 to the Clintons for speeches, and the firm’s founder is a wealthy San Diego lawyer who served a two-year sentence in federal prison for his role in a kickback scheme to mobilize plaintiffs for class-action lawsuits.”

Thus, perhaps all of those on the Republican sidelines ought to do their own homework before spouting off on subjects they obviously know little or nothing about. Because, while Trump certainly has many self-inflicted problems that arise from his unbridled, often off-the-cuff style, in this particular lawsuit he may very well turn out to have been right all along.

The article contains significant information about La Raza, including its close ties to Bill Clinton’s wife. Here’s a link: http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/trump-u-judges-group-tied-to-national-council-of-laraza/

On another key subject, illegal immigration, Michel Marizco @azpm.org, writes: “Refugees from Central America are pouring into the United States, a trend from 2014 that seems to be resurfacing along the U.S.-Mexican border this year. Many of them are children, sent on the long journey alone.

“The Border Patrol, immigration courts and refugee workers were overwhelmed the last time it occurred, in 2014. Border officials have asked for more resources this time out. 

“In Yuma County, Arizona's southwestern most corner, work to strengthen the fence and add patrols led to a significant decline in illegal crossings last year, 90 percent by some accounts.” 

The most critical point was made by a Yuma Sheriff, Capt. Eben Bratcher, who said "They’re not what you would consider a typical border crosser. Many of these people are from other nations, other than Mexico. Central America, Chinese, Romanians are a big one right now, and so that’s kind of a change in what we’ve come to expect here." 

“In 2014, Central Americans flooded the U.S., mostly at the Texas border. By April that year, 28,000 lone children were among them. That number dropped by half last year. This year, the surge is already back to 2014 levels with more than 27,000 children, officials reported.” 

Thus, what’s most important here is that, although a significant of illegal entrant’s are children, no one really knows anything at all as to who else might be among them. Which is likely why, in February Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned that "ISIS and its eight branches were the No. 1 terrorist threat," and that it was using the refugee exodus from violence in Iraq and Syria to hide among innocent civilians in order to reach other countries. 

The director added: “ISIS was "taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow," adding that they also were "pretty skilled at phony passports so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers," that way as well.

And then, as usual, a reader posted an amusingly accurate comment.

Yale U wrote: “The first step to ending illegal immigration is ending the incentives.

If we don't hire illegal migrants, they won't stay here. 


At the same time, economist Art Laffer appeared with Stuart Varney on the Fox business channel this morning where in his always ebullient way, he assured viewers that Trump would win the White House in a Republican national sweep. Quoting Democrat consultant, James Carville, who said "It's the economy, stupid," Mr. Laffer opined that the pent up voter frustration with the Obama economy virtually assured Trump's victory.

Thus, we have two key issues in play today, both of them Republican strong points that when looked at objectively, are very hard to refute as critical to all voters not reliant on government for their support.

 Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, which provides a quite valid reason for why the FBI is biding its time regarding its investigation of her emails.

According to Cal Thomas @foxnews.com/opinion, “Some believe that soon after Tuesday’s final presidential primaries the FBI will interview Hillary Clinton about her handling of emails while she was secretary of state. What comes next is the subject of much speculation.

“One of the better speculators is Bradley Blakeman, who served as a member of President George W. Bush’s White House staff. 

“Blakeman says the FBI has deliberately waited to interview Hillary Clinton until after the primaries because the bureau did not want to interfere with the nominating process. He thinks the FBI is “likely” to recommend to the Department of Justice whether or not she should be indicted for violating what she says are agency rules and what others call the law between now and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, which begins July 25.

“If she is indicted before the convention, Blakeman says, it will give the party an opportunity to make changes in the rules that could result in an alternate nominee. 

In conclusion, Blakeman thinks timing is not on her side and the “silver lining for Hillary is that, if she were indicted, there is no doubt Obama would pardon her on January 19 as he walks out the door. She will never have to answer for her crimes.” 

All of which leads Cal Thomas to believe that this is an unpredictable election season, where many scenarios are possibilities. Including the ultimate one: the delegates turning to Vice President Joe Biden to save them from Hillary and defeat in November. 

Raising the ongoing question again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?     

That’s it for today folks. 

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