Sunday, November 1, 2015


Jeremy Diamond, reported that: “Donald Trump on Saturday knocked President Barack Obama's decision to deploy fewer than 50 Special Operations forces on the ground in Syria, suggesting the strategy is a half-measure.

"I think we have a president who just doesn't know what he's doing," Trump told CNN. "You either do it or you don't do it. Fifty people. He puts 50 people." 

Trump did not say whether he would deploy more troops to Syria as president, but simply said, "You either do it or you don't do it." 

This comes from a monumental bag of wind, who in his own case did whatever he could to dodge the draft. 

As reported in The Smoking Gun: “Despite Donald Trump’s claim  that he avoided serving in the Vietnam War solely due to a high draft number, Selective Service records show that the presidential aspirant actually received a series of student deferments while in college and then topped those off with a medical deferment after graduation that helped spare him from fighting for his country.”

However, his prior draft situation aside, it might do voters well if they simply closed their eyes and visualized this paunchy, out of shape, old guy in a business suit and red baseball hat reviewing the troops as POTUS. The closest Trump’s ever came before to those in uniform, is likely when he walks up to the doorman in front of his apartment house and asks him to whistle for his limo. Which doesn't exactly give him the input needed to understand the capabilities of the nation's special forces, the most capable military members on the planet or anywhere else.

As far as another Republican candidates concerned, many pundits and certainly the leftist media, are doing their best to try and prove that Jeb Bush’s presidential chances are presently slim to none. Yet, as far as credentials are concerned, he’s by far the most qualified to be POTUS from either political party.

In regard to Jeb’s seemingly unsolvable campaigning problems, Maureen Dowd titled her New York Times Op-ed column today: “Fall of the House of Bush”

In her take no prisoners style, Ms Dowd presents background and data illustrating why she believes that not only is Jeb finished, but so is the Bush dynasty. However, following the article, well-written reader comments from self-proclaimed Democrats present an entirely different picture of Jeb and his capabilities, as follows:

Reader Dee wrote: “You know what? I never voted for a Republican for president and certainly won't in the next election, but I am loathe to snicker at the stumbling campaign of Jeb Bush.

Jeb Bush strikes me as a rational, intelligent and decent person. I cannot say that about the rest of the GOP contenders. Remember, fellow liberals, that one of those candidates will be running for president and may win. When you consider the likely alternatives, Jeb! does not seem so bad. Bad, but not as bad.”

Fred P added: “Although I am a Democrat I am also an American, and I was hoping that Jeb Bush would be a viable candidate for the presidency, because if the Democratic presidential candidate lost and Jeb won, then at least America would have a competent president; however, Jeb has not done well in the age of sound bites and continual TV coverage - he is not charismatic, he is not quick, and he is not forceful - characteristics that have become extremely important in a race for the presidency. I do believe he is probably the best choice in the Republican field, but he is extremely unlikely to get the nomination. All this makes me wonder if the ungainly and un-photogenic Abraham Lincoln could have won the Republican nomination in 2016.”

So, there we have two highly intelligent, thoughtful Democrats that are both aware of what goes on around them and are precisely correct in their analysis. 

On the other hand, here’s today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Joseph Weber writes: “Hillary Clinton and other State Department officials were apparently warned by overseas U.S. diplomats about blaming the 2012 Benghazi terror strikes on an “inflammatory” Internet video, according to an email released Saturday by House Republicans probing the fatal attacks.

“The email was sent three days after the fatal Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, and two days before then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice went on TV to say the attacks were inspired by the anti-Islamic video. 

“The email -- released by the GOP-led House Select Committee on Benghazi -- was sent from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, to the State Department, which Clinton led from 2009 to 2013. But the names of the exact sender and receiver have been redacted.” 

At the same time, Anita Kumar and Greg Gordon, disclose that: “At least 671 emails that Clinton sent or received through her private server contained classified material, according to the State Department’s latest update Friday from its ongoing review of more than 30,000 emails. Her aides also sent and received classified information.” 

Thus, the question still remains as to just how long the major media and pandering politico’s are going to let this charade of Bill’s wife’s innocence continue. 

However, at this point, the only logical conclusion that can be reached is that Republicans are waiting until closer to election day to take what’s known about her illegalities and bury her with the evidence that surely exists. And in that manner, leave her not enough time to fabricate her way out of her undeniable culpability. 

Which leads to the ongoing question while there’s still time: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 

That's it for today folks. 


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