Tuesday, November 17, 2015


With 25 Republican governors, and one Democrat, now saying they don't want Syrian refugees in their states, the POTUS yesterday recommitted the U.S. to take a portion of this population fleeing from ISIS, according to dailymail.co.uk..     

With evidence mounting more rapidly of terrorist’s intentions to infiltrate the west, particularly the U.S, and now the Paris attacks as proof, some extremely vital questions remain. Why on earth would anyone, especially if charged with responsibility for a nation’s security, keep ignoring the risks of abetting a sworn enemy? And why is the welfare of foreigners more important than that of his own fellow citizens?  In reality, there are no rational answers that aren’t too fearful to consider regarding his likely objectives. 

And then, another story jumped off the page indicating that perhaps even long-term, stalwartly reliable allies may be finally having second thoughts about the POTUS’s ability or intentions regarding foreign policy. 

Eliza Collins @politico.com, reports that: “Sen. Dianne Feinstein sharply contradicted President Barack Obama on Monday, disagreeing with his claim that the Islamic State is "contained." 

“I’ve never been more concerned,” the California Democrat and Intelligence Committee ranking member told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC Monday. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding.” 

This one is an indication of similar things likely to come. Whereas Feinstein’s usual reaction is to support the POTUS regardless of how ridiculous his actions have been in the past. However, it seems that things may be changing. Especially with November 2016 on the horizon. 

On another aspect of the subject, Gabby Morrongiello @washingtonexaminer.com, reported that: “Donald Trump continued his criticism of President Obama's Syria policy Monday, hours after Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said the President has no plans to halt the acceptance of refugees from the war-torn country. 

Trump said, "We have no idea who these people are, we are the worst when it comes to paperwork. This could be one of the great Trojan horses."  

The response that leaps to mind is: Wow! Who would have thought of that? Do you think he has brilliant advisers, or came up with that Mensa-like conclusion all by himself? Perhaps with all that talent of understanding the odds, he has a future in the casino business. Oops! 

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

According to foxnews.com, “The Clinton Foundation announced late Monday that it had amended its tax return forms from four separate years due to errors in the reporting of donations from foreign governments.” 

Foundation President Donna Shalala said in a  voluntary statement that "There is no change in our bottom line numbers: assets, liabilities, and net assets. There is nothing to suggest that the Foundation intended to conceal the receipt of government grants, which we report on our website." She added that the corrections were not required by law. 

After amendment, “The foundation now reports receiving $20 million in government funds between 2010 and 2013, most of it from foreign governments. The foundation had neglected to state its government funding separately from other funding sources in its original returns 

“The foundation also revealed that it raised $177 million in 2014, the year before Hillary Clinton announced her run for the presidency.” 

The truly laughable corrective measure is that, “Clinton severed all formal ties with the foundation upon announcing her presidential run this past April, but her husband and daughter remain on the board of directors. Which is like a snake shedding its skin. Other than the new appearance, everything else stays exactly the same. 

And then, another wheel seems to be coming loose, indicating that perhaps it will soon fall off the bus.    

Judicial Watch today: “released more than 35 pages of emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin revealing that Abedin advised Clinton aide and frequent companion Monica Hanley that it was “very important” to go over phone calls with Clinton because the former Secretary of State was “often confused.”

The emails, from Abedin’s “Huma@clintonemail.com” address, also reveal repeated security breaches, with the Secretary’s schedule and movements being sent and received through Abedin’s non-governmental and unsecured Clinton server account.  The emails document requests for special State Department treatment for a Clinton Foundation associate and Abedin’s mother, a controversial Islamist leader. 

“The Abedin email material contains a January 26, 2013, email exchange with Clinton aide Monica Hanley regarding Clinton’s schedule in which Abedin says Clinton is “often confused:”

  • Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh] 
  • Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call. Will go over with her
  • Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.”
While not hitting the headlines yet, as to be expected from the complicit major media, this is a clear indication of why so much has been done by Bill’s wife, and those closest to her, to evade disclosure of emails, however they can. 

It also leads to increasingly more important question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?   

That’s it for today folks.


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