It looks like Jeb may finally be waking up, yesterday calling for “a muscular build up of U.S. military force to combat ISIS and other terrorist threats in the aftermath of last week's Paris attacks.” According to
At The Citadel military academy in Charleston, S.C., Jeb said: “I believe the best policy for creating the conditions for peace is to develop the capability to wage war with crushing force. Radical Islamic terrorists have declared war on the western world. Their aim is our total destruction. We can’t withdraw from this threat, or negotiate with it."
He’s proposing expanding America’s military strength, to include 40,000 new soldiers, 4,000 new Marines and expanding the Navy to include more technologically advanced submarines.
What’s critically important to Jeb’s campaign is the repose he got from seasoned, experienced military leaders having significant knowledge on the subject. Navy Admiral Robert Natter (Ret.) writes in an op-ed for The Virginian-Pilot newspaper of Norfolk, Va. today: “Jeb Bush has been a strong advocate for the U.S. military, strong enough to earn my support. The 2016 field has many talented candidates, but for this old sailor, Bush has presented the strongest plan in the field for rebuilding our military."
“This nation hungers for leadership,“ retired U.S. Marine Colonel Jay Vargas says in an ad. “We have almost gone backwards instead of going forwards—and I think Jeb Bush will push it forward.”
And the truest of all came from a retired U.S. Marine Major General James Livingston, who says as a photo of Obama is shown: “This commander in chief requires training wheels.“
Veritably proving the military leaders point about his incapability’s and absence of skills regarding the nation's safety and security, the POTUS himself spoke to reporters yesterday in the Philippines where he “scoffed at attempts to block refugees following the Paris terror attacks as “political posturing [that] needs to stop.” Saying of Republicans: “Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America. At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans.”
However, that’s not what Republicans are afraid of at all. What they truly do fear is that while the refugee program is supposedly designed to admit only those in specific, supposedly harmless categories, this administration has proven that it’s too incompetent to keep everyone else out as well. And once the door is open, terrorists will likely be driving tanks and artillery into the nation, telling them they’re toys for the three year olds, which these irrational Democrats will readily accept like everything else they can’t get their limited minds around.
And then, as if by magic, and certainly to be expected, the following story appeared on Drudge this morning regarding 8 Syrians caught at the Texas border in Laredo. Here’s a link:
Along the same lines, Rush posted this on his website yesterday, referring to the POTUS on the subject.

And then a FB friend posted the following, reflecting the burgeoning tide of public opinion for retaliation.

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
In the article linked to above on, referring to the 8 hostile Syrians caught at the border, the majority of comments following the story display a presumptive conclusion that Joe Biden will be the eventual Democrat presidential nominee. Whether things actually work out that way a year from now or not, it certainly indicates that currently, Bill’s wife’s nomination is no slam dunk in many folks eyes.
And maybe it’s things like the following that will eventually cause her political demise once again.’s Chris Stirewalt wrote yesterday: “Perhaps panicking over pending penalties from her email misdeeds, maybe her 40% will buy this but the vast majority of voters won’t. Backing her former Boss’s plan to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees despite the Paris attacks, Hillary Clinton condemned Republican efforts to halt the influx. Clinton tweeted: “We’ve seen a lot of hateful rhetoric from the GOP. But the idea that we’d turn away refugees because of religion is a new low.”
Not only is her comment a complete fabrication, because terrorism is the Republican’s issue, not religion, but the the very next segment in Mr. Stirewalt’s column shows that nobody but her base is buying her babbling, inane rhetoric. “The Quinnipiac University poll out today found that Clinton is in dire shape with the general electorate in swing state Colorado. Carson tops Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton 52 - 38 percent in a general election matchup, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. In fact, Clinton trails all leading Republican contenders by margins of 11 percentage points or more…”
Which leads to the continually recurring question, now seeming to take on even more meaning: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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