Friday, November 27, 2015


The Obama administration warned states over the Syrian refugee crisis Wednesday, telling them in a letter they do not have legal authority to refuse the refugees it’s permitting into the nation. What’s more, states that do not comply may be subject to enforcement action. 

The letter, from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), also told state resettlement officials that they may not deny benefits and services to refugees based on their country of origin or religion. 

While the administration began forcing unequivocal acceptance of refugees by the states, reports that “A man who reportedly vowed to celebrate "self-government" on Thanksgiving caused a security lockdown by climbing over the White House fence as the first family celebrated the holiday. 

“The man, identified by police as Joseph Caputo, was immediately apprehended and taken into custody pending criminal charges, the Secret Service said in a statement. The incident took place about 2:45 p.m. EST. 

“Witness Victoria Pena of Houston, said Caputo was standing with other people visiting the White House compound when he rushed toward the fence carrying what appeared to be a binder. 

Pena said: “[S]ecurity personnel and guard dogs ran toward Caputo and he lay on the grass awaiting them.” 

However, the real question is, what could possibly have happened had the intruder been an armed terrorist or hiding some kind of bomb? Yet, this same administration still wants the states to assume immigration risks, while it cannot even assure the safety of the POTUS’s own supposedly fully-secured residence. No one could make a dumber decision than that one.  

At the same time, Catherine Herridge, also at, writes that: “With as many as 1000 active cases, Fox News has learned at least 48 ISIS suspects are considered so high risk that the FBI is using its elite tracking squads known as the mobile surveillance teams or MST to track them domestically.  

“There is a very significant number of people that are on suspicious watch lists, under surveillance," Republican Senator Dan Coats said.    

“Coats, who sits on the Select Committee on Intelligence, would not comment on specifics, but said the around the clock surveillance is a major commitment for the bureau. "The FBI together with law enforcement agencies across the country are engaged in this. It takes enormous amount of manpower to do this on a 24-7 basis.  It takes enormous amount of money to do this." 

Thus, the question still remains as to why there is so much pressure from the administration to immediately begin accepting immigrants when they must surely know by now, from their own experience, that rushing into this presently uncontrollable activity is a far beyond ridiculous  risk.  

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. also reports: “The Republican National Committee keeps building its cash advantage over its Democratic rivals, strengthening the party’s position going into the election year – with the latest monthly reports showing the DNC with a major debt, while the RNC has accrued a $20M war chest. 

“The Republicans announced last week that they had raised $8.7 million in October, which they say broke a record for presidential off-year fundraising record.  

With figures showing the Republicans now have over $20 million cash on hand, with only $1.8 million in debts owed, the RNC has raised a total of $89.3 million to date in the current election cycle. 

Those statistics stand in stark contrast to the DNC, that has only $4.7 million cash in hand, with $6.9 million in debts owed, putting it in the red, according to FEC figures. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the Democrats have so far raised $53.2 million this election cycle, significantly less than their Republican counterparts. 

The DNC raised just shy of $4.5 million in October, but spent approximately $5.2 million. 

While having fund-raising problems, what’s even worse is that: ”The nearly $7 million in debt the DNC now has was in part due to a $2 million loan from union-owned Amalgamated Bank, The Washington Free Beacon reported.”  Thus, help from friends has been needed for a while now.

“The release of the numbers could increase pressure on DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and could hamper the DNC’s push to retake the House and Senate, while also keeping the White House in 2016.” More really good news for Republicans.

What the fund-raising results illustrate clearly, though, is that similar to the many Democrat major contributors unwilling to commit to Bill Clinton’s wife’s campaign, the same holds true for most ordinary contributors too.

And perhaps one of the major reasons that Democrats are having fund-raising problems, is that before the current POTUS took office, college graduates with science degrees worked at well-paying jobs where they asked: “Why does it work?”

Employed engineering degree holder’s asked: “How does it work?”

Those using their accounting degrees asked: “What does it cost?”

Today, all of them ask: “Do you want fries with that?”

That's it for today folks.


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