A link to an article @myway.com via Drudge this morning regarding the upcoming schedule of Republican debates says: “One Year Out”
As a practical matter, readers don’t need what’s written in the column’s text at all, because all that really matters is that there’s still twelve months to go before election day. And with that much time still left for voter’s decision making, what’s happening now and for many months to come doesn’t mean anything. Because the Republican ticket is nowhere near what it will ultimately look like farther down the road, while the polls and debates are worthless and have been for years.
On another matter, as it turns out Republicans wasted years of time and countless hours of breath, fighting a battle that was totally unnecessary. Because, as anyone with a grain of intelligence should have foreseen, due to the huge flaws in the POUTUS’s health care tax, the economically unfeasible government takeover of well-functioning free market services simply couldn’t survive
In that regard, Rich Lowry @nypost.com via Drudge, wrote a column today titled: “ObamaCare’s death spiral, stage one: Denial”
Mr. Lowry reports that while enrollment is falling short, premiums are rising, a double-whammy that’s insurmountable.
According to health care expert, Robert Laszewski, “insurers with the highest enrollment and therefore the best information about actual enrollees, have tended to request the biggest increases —a sign that they don’t like what they’re seeing in their data.”
“The problem with ObamaCare in a nutshell is that on one hand, by imposing motley regulations and mandates, it increases the price of health insurance, and on the other hand, by providing subsidies, it tries to hide the cost — but not enough.”
An analysis by the health consultancy Avalere, shows that: “The poor or near-poor have been signing up, but enrollment steeply drops off further up the income scale as the subsidies fall away. It found that three-fourths of uninsured people earning less than 150 percent of the federal poverty level got coverage through Medicaid or the exchanges, while almost none of uninsured making more than 250 percent of the federal poverty level have enrolled.”
“For them, it’s just not a good deal. A study of the ObamaCare exchanges by researchers at the Wharton School found that “even under the most optimistic assumptions, close to half of the formerly uninsured (especially those with higher incomes) experience both higher financial burden and lower estimated welfare.”
However, what the statistics really reveal is that in a free-market society like the U.S, socialism just doesn’t fit. Which is why, that regardless of how hard the administration tried to force the health care tax down the throats of those earning income to support those that don’t, the one’s they really needed were too smart to be reeled in. And that’s the problem with socialism in general.
Because it’s those at the bottom who expect to be subsidized that always find out that, sooner or later, you get out what you put in. Thus, the only way to really insure oneself is to get to the financial stage where you don’t need it.
And then, along the same lines, a friend posted the following on FB today.

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Herridge @foxnews.com, headlined her article today: "State
Department emails conflict with Clinton's Benghazi testimony"
Here are two contradictions of several in the
The first involves involves the role played by Clinton
confidant Sidney Blumenthal.
Regarding the dozens of emails from him, which in many
cases were forwarded to her State Department team, Clinton testified:
"He's a friend of mine. He sent me information he thought might be of
interest. Some of it was, some of it wasn't, some of it I forwarded to be
followed up on. He had no official position in the government. And he was not
at all my adviser on Libya."
However, “a newly released email from February 2011 shows
Blumenthal advocated for a no-fly zone over Libya, writing, "U.S. might
consider advancing tomorrow. Libyan helicopters and planes are raining terror
on cities." The email was forwarded by Clinton to her deputy chief of
staff Jake Sullivan with the question, "What do you think of this
“In the end, Clinton advocated for the no-fly zone and
was able to gather support within the Obama administration to implement it.”
Another area of conflict involves security and aid
requests. In an exchange with Republican Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., Clinton told
the House committee none of the requests for diplomatic security reached her.
"That's over 600 requests," Pompeo said. "You've testified here
this morning that you had none of those reach your desk; is that correct
Clinton responded, "That's correct."
The new emails also show that a request for humanitarian
aid sent by the late Ambassador Chris Stevens did reach her desk. The Aug. 22,
2011 email from Stevens was circulated among Clinton staff and delegated for
action in under an hour.
“With the overthrow of Qadaffi, Stevens wrote that the
Libyan opposition, known as the TNC, would soon release a statement saying it
would "insure the delivery of essential services and commodities (esp. addressing
the acute shortages of fuel, children's milk, and medication for blood pressure
and diabetes)."
Seventeen minutes later, Clinton responded, "Can we
arrange shipments of what's requested?”
The well-researched article contains significant interesting
information. Here’s a link: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/11/03/state-department-emails-conflict-with-clintons-benghazi-testimony/
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor
Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are
you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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