Things keep improving for the Republicans probability of gaining the White House next November. Yesterday the POTUS gave them a gift-wrapped campaign advantage by rejecting the Keystone pipeline.
Adding this horrendous pipeline blunder to his failing and extremely unpopular health care tax, along with his surrender of the Middle-East to Syria, Iran and Russia, coupled with employment at the lowest workforce level in 38 years at 62.4%, it now seems practically impossible for Republicans to lose the upcoming presidential election. Even if their candidate was one of the three stooges, Curly, Moe or Larry, take your pick, it would be an improvement.
At a White House press conference to announce his rejection of TransCanada's application to build the pipeline, he stated: “[T]he pipeline was not in the U.S. national interest.” Adding that, "The State Department has decided the Keystone XL pipeline would not serve the interests of the United States. I agree with that decision."
However, that is patently false, because back on January 31, 2014 as reported by Coral Davenport at none other than the Democrat house organ New York Times: “The State Department released a report on Friday concluding that the Keystone XL pipeline would not substantially worsen carbon pollution, leaving an opening for President Obama to approve the politically divisive project.
“The department’s long-awaited environmental impact statement appears to indicate that the project could pass the criteria Mr. Obama set forth in a speech last summer when he said he would approve the 1,700-mile pipeline if it would not “significantly exacerbate” the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. Although the pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of oil a day from Canada to the Gulf Coast, the report appears to indicate that if it were not built, carbon-heavy oil would still be extracted at the same rate from pristine Alberta forest and transported to refineries by rail instead.”
As far as railroads moving the oil, it’s quite interesting that the one gaining most from that alternative is Warren Buffet, close friend and major contributor to Democrat causes. And not to be forgotten is another overriding consideration, as posted by a reader, pelicanswatch, who wrote: “Tom Steyer is the real reason for this project being rejected. He promised 100 million to the coffers of democrats that oppose the pipeline. That money stops if it is approved. You have the best politicians that money can buy.”
Sen. Marco Rubio, responded by stating: “President Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline is a huge mistake, and is the latest reminder that this administration continues to prioritize the demands of radical environmentalists over America's energy security."
But the Senator left his comment short, or as a fund-raising politician himself perhaps doesn't want to mention that the patently self-serving decision was far more about the money than the environment, which isn’t really affected by the pipeline at all.
Another news item goes to confirm how important continuing to transport oil by rail is to POTUS compatriot, Warren Buffet, as reported by Ben McLannahan yesterday.
“Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway recorded its best ever quarterly profit in the third quarter. Net income climbed to a record $9.43bn from $4.62bn a year earlier, the Omaha, Nebraska-based conglomerate said on Friday. Operating earnings, which exclude some investment results, came to $4.55bn for the period.
Buffet’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe, “operator of the US’s second-biggest rail network, also did well, reporting a 12 per cent increase in net earnings despite a 5 per cent decrease in revenues.”
Which brings us to today’s update on another political manipulator, Bill Clinton’s wife.
Rush yesterday mentioned a speech made by Bill’s wife to the NAACP, on 10/30/15 where she told the assembled crowd: “Earlier today I announced that as president I will take steps to 'ban the box,' so former presidents won't have to declare their criminal history at the very start of the hiring process.”
She did not correct herself, Rush explained: "She meant to say "former prisoners," because that's the big push. Hillary wants felons to be able to vote, she wants people to hire them. She wants their past to be hidden. She wants them to be able to hide their criminal past during the interview process. But instead of saying "prisoner," she said "president."
Thus, this is additional evidence that despite her dodges and deceptions, Bill’s wife is acutely aware of her own and her husband’s transgressions. But the bad news for her, is that apparently, there are so many of them, she’s beginning to have trouble keeping track and beginning to rattle under pressure with Freudian slips.
And then, another one to watch was also discussed by Rush, as follows from his website.
“The Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee has been investigating since 2013 whether Teneo had improper access to the highest levels of US government while Clinton ... was secretary of state." This was the bunch that ran part of her e-mail and server operation, and they're simply refusing to come up and answer questions.
"In its letter ... Teneo declined to help with most of the panel's queries, including questions about a previously unreported three-hour meeting at the consulting firm's office in 2012 with Cheryl Mills," one of Hillary's consiglieres, "when she was chief of staff to Clinton at the State Department. Founders and other workers at Teneo have also worked for the Clintons, the State Department, the Clinton Foundation or a combination of the three. Teneo describes itself as 'a global advisory firm that partners exclusively with the CEOs and senior leaders of many of the world's largest and most complex companies and organizations.'
Rush concluded by saying, “So a company with ties to Mrs. Clinton has donated money to the foundation, and the Senate committee says, "We got some questions for you," and they respond, "(Raspberry) you! Not showing up."
So, as November 2016 comes closer, timing becomes more critically important, and slowly but surely, more and more evidence keeps mounting illustrating Bill’s wife’s untrustworthiness, which isn't going unnoticed by the voting public.
And thus, perhaps the following, posted on FB by a friend this morning might help her.

Leading to ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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