Saturday, October 31, 2015


Scouring today’s news, it’s astonishing that virtually no mention’s being made in the major media of the POTUS’s new ramp-up in the Middle-East. With the exception of one article found from the Associated Press on
According to the AP, “The United States is ramping up its support for Syria's opposition with a pledge of nearly $100 million in fresh aid.
“Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the additional assistance Saturday at the Manama Dialogue security conference in the Gulf island nation of Bahrain.
“The U.S. says the new funds bring to nearly $500 million the amount it has pledged to the opposition since 2012, and will support local and provincial councils, civil society activists, emergency services and other needs on the ground inside Syria.”
While spending another $100 million of taxpayer’s funds as if it was chump change is despicable on its own, the fact that the POTUS is now sending troops abroad is even more heinous. Because if he had not withdrawn U.S. forces simply to fulfill an inane campaign promise, there would be no ISIS or Syrian threats in the first place. 
Thus, the most important question that remains is: When will the POTUS and his party be held accountable for the horrible job in foreign policy they’ve done and its billions in unnecessary costs? And, who's going to do it?
Whereas there’s very little else of consequence being reported today, here’s the daily update on Bill Clinton’s wife.   
Chuck Ross, writes that, “Emails released by the State Department on Friday show that Hillary Clinton’s longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal reached out to her on behalf of a former United Kingdom diplomat who was interested in “setting up secret channels between insurgents and governments.”
“Clinton was receptive to the idea which came via Blumenthal from Jonathan Powell, former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s chief of staff.
“It is also unclear whether Blumenthal was paid by Inter Mediate to lobby Clinton. Clinton’s emails have revealed that Blumenthal did reach out to Clinton on behalf of companies that he had financial stakes in. One of those companies, Osprey Global Solutions, was interested in providing private security services in Libya after the fall of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Blumenthal and the company were in favor of arming insurgents to accomplish that overthrow. Clinton also entertained the idea of arming insurgents, her emails show.”
In this case, while the emails confirm that highly sensitive issues were addressed with an individual, Sidney Blumenthal, who was not to be contacted at all, the transmissions reinforce the fact that Bill’s wife did indeed use private emails accounts for things specifically prohibited. Confirming once again that fact fabrication, even when testifying in Congress is second-nature to her. 
Which is probably why the Weekly Standard’s Steve Hayes, put his money where his mouth is on yesterday’s "Special Report with Bret Baier.”
At the end of each Friday’s show Bret Baier conducts his “Candidates Casino,“ where his three guests each place “bets” on those in the presidential race, dividing $100 in “chips” among them.
Yesterday Mr. Hayes bet $50 on Bill Clinton’s wife, and the other $50.00 on a Democrat candidate yet to be determined. 
When asked why he didn’t think Bill’s wife deserved a higher probability, as did the others, he responded that he believed that sooner or later her lies and incapability's would catch up to her. Although, he's aware that at present, no one in the media seems to believe it matters.
Which leads to the ongoing question, while there’s still time: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.

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