Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Alex Isenstadt @politico.com, writes today that: “Sheldon Adelson, one of the Republican Party's most sought-after contributors, is leaning increasingly toward supporting Marco Rubio — and the Florida senator is racing to win the backing of other uncommitted megadonors who have the potential to direct tens of millions of dollars his way and alter the contours of the Republican primary fight.”
At this point in his life, one would think that an 82 year old business magnate like casino owner Adelson would understand, that aside from the glib speeches and enthusiasm displayed by Rubio, what the nation dearly needs is an experienced CEO. Especially after seeing what happens when the nation’s run like an amateur hour by a POTUS with no governing experience, as it has been for the pat seven years.
Thus, above all else, what’s most critical is that someone having the experience of at least successful performance as a governor ought to be considered above all else. And at the moment, the GOP has quite a few to choose from. Because, as has been mentioned here quite often in the past, the job of POTUS doesn’t come with training-wheels.   
On a similar subject, while the Republican party is still looking for someone to replace retiring House Speaker John Boehner, the name Paul Ryan has surfaced as a top contender. Yet, he’s facing objection from those on the far right, because they opine he’s not “conservative” enough.  
However, in 2012 when he was Mitt Romney’s running mate, the concern among some in the party was that Ryan was too conservative. Particularly because of his desire to overhaul social programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
Yet today, many on the the far right are concerned that he’s too far left because in 2008 he voted to bail out large banks. He’s also had a longstanding interest in immigration reform and has worked on a bipartisan budget measure. 
So, what we have here is a situation where party factions are seeking a perfect candidate for their leader in a political environment where that can’t be accomplished. Because the issues have become too complicated, while the voting public has become far more sophisticated than ever before. 
Therefore, what Republicans need is leadership that can draft legislation that may not be perfect in their eyes, but is able to be acceptable to enough voters to keep their party in power. And if not, the party's destruction is going to occur from within, which is moronic and infantile.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Dana Blanton @FoxNews.com headlined her article today: “Fox News Poll: Biden more electable than Clinton?”
Ms Blanton writes: “In hypothetical 2016 matchups with top-tier Republicans, Clinton trails all the Republicans tested. She trails Ben Carson by 11 points and Donald Trump by 5 points. Jeb Bush has a 4-point edge over Clinton, while Carly Fiorina is up by 3 points.
“Biden fares better. He leads Trump by 13 points and tops Bush by 5 points. Biden is preferred over both Fiorina and Carson by 4 points. And Biden narrowly bests Marco Rubio by 1 point.”
While the statistics may not be precisely accurate, they do tend to indicate trends. Thus, while Bill’s wife still dominates the Democratic primary race, the new poll confirms a significant decline in her support since summer. “In June, her lead over Sanders was double what it is today (61 percent Clinton vs. 15 percent Sanders). And instead of trailing Trump by 5 points, she topped him by 17 points. Clinton was also up by 6 points over Fiorina then, while she's down by 3 now.”
And, if the decline in popularity continues, Bill’s wife will soon be trailing everybody in both parties, much like what happened last time she ran for POTUS. 
Reader Sondra Jo commented: “Hillary says we don't need to "pray," we just need a "movement." I'm praying as hard as I can that she moves to jail.”
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.

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