Sunday, October 25, 2015


Today,, Jonathan Martin and Matt Flegenheimer titled their article: “Bush at 91: Irritated and Invigorated by ’16 Race”
The column describes the thoughts and feelings of the senior Bush, regarding his sons current presidential campaign while providing many examples of both senior and “W”s” performance in office.
While the article itself is quite informative, the vast majority of the 626 comments that follow are truly astounding. Even for the kind of die-hard leftists one would expect to be reading this symbol of leftist ideology.
After seven years of continual economic deterioration, loss of world status, military dysfunction, porous borders, huge increases in unemployment, ruination of the formerly world’s finest medical system and the loss of the respect of almost all other world powers, these irrational ideologues have the simple-mined audacity to find or create ways to blame the Bush’s for what the current administration has done.
The only way to really appreciate the depth of the incontrovertible hatred that the left has for success, is to read the column, and particularly the reader comments, yourself. Here’s a link: Bush at 91- Irritated and Invigorated by '16 Race 
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, also from Op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd, as follows:
“Hillary Clinton is never more alluring than when a bunch of pasty-faced, nasty-tongued white men bully her.
“And she was plenty alluring during her marathon session on Thursday with Republican Lilliputians, who were completely oblivious to the fact that Hillary is always at her most potent when some Teanderthal is trying to put her in her place.
“Trey Gowdy and his blithering band of tea-partiers went on a fishing expedition, but they forgot to bring their rods — or any fresh facts.
“It was a revealing display of hard-core conservatives in their parallel universe, where all their biases are validated by conservative media. They crawled out of the ooze into the sea of cameras, blinking and obtuse. Ohio’s Jim Jordan, bellowing. South Carolina’s Gowdy, sweating. Alabama’s Martha Roby, not getting the joke. And Indiana’s Susan Brooks, allowing that “most of us really don’t know much about Libya.”
“Hillary acted bemused, barely masking her contempt at their condescension. She was no doubt amazed at what an amateur job they were doing at character assassination.”
Then, in the second half of her column, Dowd lays out a recap and timeline of mistakes and missteps by Bill’s wife. Evidently in an effort to demonstrate what she thinks the committee should have done in presenting its case. 
Yet, in the overall, Dowd totally missed the point that in one short exchange of the nine hour ordeal, Bill’s wife was shown to have lied about the Benghazi tragedy from the very start, along with all those in the White House, defrauding the American people. Considering that this is the core of the case, and will likely lead to serious consequences down the road for Bill’s wife and others involved, what else does this rambling incompetent, Maureen Dowd, or anyone else have to know?
It also leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.

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