Wednesday, October 21, 2015


As far as Joe Biden’s potential run for POTUS is concerned, he certainly sounds more and more like a candidate with every passing day.  Yesterday was no exception, as reported by Eric Bradner and Kevin Liptak 
What was most important about what the VP had to say, was that he sounded like he expected a presidential endorsement if he entered the race. And at the same time, he downplayed the importance of the role of Secretary of State, as follows from the article:
“The Vice president sought to subtly one-up Clinton in several ways Tuesday. He noted that Obama offered him a choice between the jobs of vice president and secretary of state. He said he'd traveled 1.1 million miles on behalf of the United States -- topping the 1 million that Clinton has said she traveled during her four years in the Obama administration. And he said Obama tapped him, not the secretary of state, as the closer with foreign leaders.
"I will get sent to go to speak with Putin or speak to Erdogan or go speak to whomever and it's because the secretary of state -- and we've had two great secretaries of state -- but when I go they know that I'm speaking for the president," Biden said.”
Thus, while Biden’s message is clear, should he enter the race it seems quite clear that he expects to have the backing of the POTUS. Which when combined with the mounting evidence of Bill’s wife incompetence, make her current poll results totally immaterial in the long run.
Along the same lines, but in the other party, it looks like Jeb Bush may finally be waking up. 
On Tuesday, according to Maeve Reston and Ashley Killough, also from, “he leveled his most blistering critique to date, with a National Review op-ed accusing the real estate magnate [Trump] of echoing "the attacks of (liberal filmmaker) Michael Moore and the fringe left" on national security issues.
Bush wrote, "Let's be clear: Donald Trump simply doesn't know what he's talking about," adding that Trump's "bluster overcompensates for a shocking lack of knowledge on the complex national-security challenges that will confront the next president."
While Jeb’s statements are absolutely correct regarding Trump, they also should go a long way toward making concerned supporters feel better about his lack of aggressiveness to date. “Polls have shown very little excitement about his candidacy in any sector of the Republican base. That fact is not only evident in polls, but also in interviews with voters on the ground in early states who often describe Bush as lacking dynamism, enthusiasm and energy.”
However, while known as one who builds campaigns slowly and methodically, this new wake-up call has finally gotten Jeb to react with the kind of strength that made him a highly successful Florida governor for eight years. Giving him a considerable edge against a blowhard having no gubernatorial skills whatsoever, but also only a cheap-shot artist who couldn’t make money even when playing poker as the house in the casinos he bankrupted.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
What’s most important about the following referenced article is that it was written by Amy Chozick and appeared in the liberal bastion, as follows:
“Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign announced Tuesday that it had secured the endorsement of more than 50 current and former African-American mayors.” 
According to Ms Chozik, Bill’s wife met briefly with Mayor Ivy R. Taylor of San Antonio before a campaign rally in San Antonio last Thursday. And, in the meeting, Mrs. Taylor expressed her support and said she would help the campaign however she could, according to a person briefed on the meeting.
“But after the campaign included Mrs. Taylor on its list of mayoral endorsements on Monday, the mayor’s office released a statement saying that she had also met with Carly Fiorina, a Republican presidential candidate.”
And then, in a similar occurrence: “Shortly after The Texas Tribune reported the mix-up with Mrs. Taylor, another Democratic official on the list who is also African-American, Tommy Calvert, a commissioner in Bexar County, which includes San Antonio, said he had also been erroneously included on the campaign’s Texas endorsement list.
“He told the Tribune that he had expressed to three separate campaigns staff members that he was not endorsing Mrs. Clinton. “I don’t know how there could be any confusion,” he said.
“But on Monday, after it was reported that he had endorsed Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Calvert wrote on Facebook, “While I appreciate her service and her candidacy, I have not endorsed anyone in the presidential election.” 
Therefore, if the most important quality needed by a POTUS was consistency, it looks like Bill’s wife would outdo all other presidential candidates. Whereas she hasn’t changed an iota from her very beginnings in politics. Unfortunately for her, however, what she’s absolutely consistent at is fabrication and misleading the public on a regular basis. Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That's it for today folks.

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